The Daughter of a Prince

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I couldn't believe Celeste was acting this way toward me wanting to commit to Jeanette.  She made it seem like she and Jeanette got along really well, but I guess not.  I could care less though, because whoever doesn't like Jeanette can stay away from me.  I've never felt this way, not just about a woman, but about myself.  Jeanette was the first woman who made me feel genuinely loved and cared for, so giving that up wasn't an option. 

Realigning my focus, I took a deep breath.  As I walked into the music room, my students were smiling from ear to ear with their instruments in hand.

"Hey Mr. P!...What were you doing Mr. P.?....What took you so long?"  They were all asking at once.

I just smiled.  "Relax everybody.  I'm sorry for being late, but it's good to know that I was missed. Are you guys ready to rehearse?"  I asked.

"Yeeessss!"  They all shouted.

"So let's get to it.  Who's first?"

I noticed that Jordan was beyond excited, so I told him to get on the stage and get ready.  As I scanned the room looking for Preston, we quickly made eye contact. I noticed that he didn't quite seem himself and when I smiled at him, he looked at me but the smile wasn't reciprocated.  As I went to call him over to me, Jordan shouted.

"Mr. P. I need some help."  Jordan said as he was unable to adjust the strap on his guitar.

Walking over to the stage to help him, I saw Celeste walking up to me out of my peripheral.

"May I have Jeanette's cell phone number?"  She asked.

I looked at her like she was bipolar.  "After the way you just went off on me?"

"She sent me some tea and I need instructions on how to use it?  I asked Preston for the number but he told me he couldn't give it out unless it was an emergency."  She said.

"Well, is it an emergency?"  I humorously asked as I was adjusting Jordan's guitar strap.

Whispering in my ear so Jordan couldn't hear her, Celeste let me have it.  "If you don't give me that number, I'm going to tell Jeanette about all of your shenanigans before you get a chance write it down!"

I couldn't believe she would blackmail me.  "You would tell her everything and ruin all of my holiday plans?  Are you serious?"

"Try me."  Celeste threatened.

"Did you threaten Preston like that?  Is that why he's over there looking like he just saw the boogie man?"  I aggressively asked as I began to write down Jeanette's cell number.

Looking over at Preston, Celeste eyebrows furrowed.  "He was just fine until—"

"Yo P.?...where do you want me and Gerard to sit?" Kirk said as he walked into the music room.

I whispered to Celeste, "Did he just loudly 'Yo' me in front of my students?"

"He sure did."  Celeste instigated. 

"Class, this is Mr. Kirk.  He's currently taking etiquette classes, so forgive him for his unruly outburst.  Mr. Kirk, we don't use slang in the music room, right class?"

"Right Mr. P!"  the class said in unison.

"Should I put Mr. Kirk in time out, or just give him a warning?"  I asked the class.

As Celeste laughed and Kirk smirked, the students were looking at each other trying to figure out what to do. To save Kirk the embarrassment, I continued talking.

"Being that Mr. Kirk wasn't aware of the class rules, I think a warning will do for now.  Do you agree class?"

"Yes Mr. P.!"  They all shouted. 

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