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A/N: thank you for 300 reads. Love you guys ☺️

Weeks: fifteen
Jin couldn't wait. He was more excited day by day.

The project with Namjoon was getting better every time they worked on it and their 'friendship' improved significantly. But with every new day, Jin was more and more realising his problems.

He still hadn't told Namjoon. He hadn't had the balls to announce to him those big news and with becoming a closer 'friend' of his, he also didn't want to ruin their friendship.

They hadn't gotten closer than that evening in front of Jungkook's door though. Their 'almost-kiss' was the most they had gotten from each other.

The older was currently lost in his thoughts when his best friend sat next to him.

"Hey boys, how are my babies?" He rubbed Jin's stomach and the latter immediately smacked his hand. Jungkook hissed.

"I don't know how is Jimin doing. You can ask him, he is right there," Jin answered playfully.

Jimin sat next to Jungkook and looked around. When he saw no one was watching, he wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist. The couple started eating happily.

"Is there a free chair?"

"Yes, you can sit, Joonie," Namjoon sat down on it and smiled because of the nickname.

"How did you know that it's me?"

The older male smiled a little and started chewing his meat.

"I know how your voice sounds like. I don't hear it for the first time," Jin chopped his food while eating.

"Aww, Joonie," Jimin repeated his nickname for the taller male and giggled. Namjoon frowned.

"Shut up, you hobbit," he replied annoyed and Jimin shot a dead glare at him.

Jungkoook gave the rest of his food to Seokjin. He looked like a small happy hamster with those chubby cheeks. When Namjoon looked at him, he smiled. It was so adorable. He indeed loved the older male.

What happened was weird but it happened every day and he had never really thought about it. Jungkook probably wasn't so hungry and Jin didn't want the food go to waste.

"How about going to the movies?" Jungkook asked after a while of silence, "I heard about a good film that had a premiere on Monday. I'd like to see it."

"Will you join us, lovebirds?" Jimin said teasingly and Jin turned his head to Namjoon.

"We are not lovebirds," Namjoon answered and blushing Jin looked away, "But yeah, we'll join you."

"Do you wanna go, Jin?" Jimin asked while watching the oldest boy, "You don't have to if you don't want to."

"No, I want to. I just don't know... if I have time..," Jin looked at Jungkook, who smiled supportively at him. He was happy that the other would go somewhere.

The older felt better and tried to take care of himself and Jungkook couldn't help but feel proud of his friend.

"That will be great if you go with us. We'll have fun!" Jimin smiled at how Jungkook was thrilled. He gave him a little kiss on his lips.

"Oh my god. Get a room!" Jin giggled at the two. He loved to see his best friend so happy.

Namjoon looked at Jin's plate, which was empty, while his one was still quite full. He was really surprised to see how much the other ate but didn't want to say anything because he knew that Jin was self-conscious.

"Namjoon! Namjoon! The Earth calls Mr Namjoon!" Jin waved with his hands in front of the younger's face.

"What?" the confused boy looked at him.

"Are you free on Saturday? At 2 PM?" Seokjin repeated what he had said a few seconds ago and smiled a little, "Cuz we will probably go to that cinema,"

"Oh yeah, of course," Namjoon replied and continued to watch Seokjin. He saw how his eyes lit up after hearing agreement.

He smiled. He loved making the other happy. Even if it meant going through hell.

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