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A/N: I'm not extra proud of this one but I hope you'll enjoy it 😌

Jin looked into the mirror and sighed. Today, he was going to see Namjoon for the first time after that night with him. It had been three days since he saw him and Jin would rather die than meet him again.

He was as nervous as hell. He had run away from Namjoon before he even woke up because he had been too scared to confront him after this.

Jin hadn't known what to do. After he had realised what had happened (seeing himself and him naked as well as feeling pain in his lower region), he had just grabbed his clothes and left. He thought that that was the best decision, he had been able to make. Namjoon wouldn't have wanted anyone to know, he wouldn't have wanted to face Jin.

He knew he wouldn't. Namjoon is straight, or more like straight.

He just prayed that no one noticed anything.

He sighed again while taking his bag and going downstairs. He kissed his mum's cheek and went to that hell.

He went straight to his locker, looking down. He opened it, took a history book out of it and closed it. Someone tapped his shoulder and then hugged him with a smile on his face.

"Hi Jungkookie," Jin smiled slightly too, wrapping his arms around him.

"Hi! I got great news!" he looked around to check if anyone could hear him. 

"What news?"

"I have a date with Jimin," he whisper-shouted. He looked so happy, jumping a little.

"That's great," Jin smiled, walking to the classroom with him, "When?"

"Today," he clapped his hands in happiness. They sat to our desks, looking at each other.

Jin was genuinely happy for his friend. He knew how long he was trying to get the other's attention.

"And how about you?" he asked after a while, making Jin widen his eyes.

"What do you mean, Kookie?" Jungkook leaned close to his ear to whisper.

"You and Namjoon," a devilish grin displayed on his face, while Jin's went pale.

"What?" the older looked at him and frowned, "Why me and him?" 

"Oh c'mon," he chuckled, "I know, you were making babies that night. So.. what's going on between you two?" He winked, looking way too interested in Jin's personal life.

"Nothing. We haven't seen each other since. But wait - how do you know it?!" the taller widened his eyes in realisation. What if someone else had seen them!

"I saw you making out and then going upstairs. And.. how was it?" He winked again. Jin's cheeks went red now. He lowered his head.

Jungkook was a virgin, of course, he wanted to know how it felt. First of all, he was a curious human being. Second of all, he loved to be a pain in the ass, when it came to Jin's private life. And third of all, he wanted to know for... let's say... future references.

"Shut up. I don't even remember it," Jin lied. The truth was he remembered everything from that night. Absolutely everything. From our awkward dancing and making out on the dance floor to him being inside of him.

JK frowned.

"You liar. You remember some things. You always do, even if you're as drunk as a horse,"

"Can you let it be? I don't wanna talk about it," Jin sighed. He opened his book without noticing the person who just came into the room. Jungkook was looking all around the classroom to find his lover but he wasn't there. He tapped his shoulder.

"Someone is here, bro," Jin looked at him and then his eyes fell on the person that Jungkook meant. He blushed and looked back down, trying to act like he was studying.

Namjoon went to his desk, placing his long fingers which had travelled on his body a few nights ago on it.

Stop, Seokjin.

"Jin?" The boy looked up at him when he heard that deep voice of his.

"Hi," he replied quietly.

"I wanna talk about something with you. Are you free after school?" He seemed serious. Jin just nodded in agreement and the bell rang.

"Great," Namjoon said, walking towards his desk.


Jin walked out of school, looking around for Namjoon. When he spotted him, he slowly went up to him. The taller looked at him and smirked, holding a lit up cigarette between his fingers.

"What did you need?" Jin asked after a while of silence between them. Namjoon looked down, thinking probably...

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