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The police officer and the plastered man proceeded into the house. Gao Yulan didn't dare to stop them because the plastered man had offered to either speak at her home or at the police station.

Who would want to drink tea at the police station!? Gao Yulan, of course, chose her home.

"Let me see identification first." Although bewildered, Gao Yulan pretended to be calm, to try to gain the upper hand and not be tricked.

The plastered man put his ID onto the coffee table and the police officer also brought out his ID, showing it to Gao Yulan. The plastered man's name was Yin Ze, and the police officer was called Lei Feng.

Gao Yulan returned the ID's and expressionlessly asked, "What proof do you have?"

As Gao Yulan sat down, she looked carefully at Yin Ze's face. His eyes were clear and bright like stars and, even though he was in a wheelchair, they shined grandly. His figure was quite tall. Gao Yulan's brain abruptly remembered last night when she had tried to touch his face, kicked his legs, then picked up his dog and ran away.

When she had been drunk, everything had been crazy and she couldn't remember anything in the morning, but when people came to calculate her debt, she finally remembered. How was this supposed to help her now?

"Evidence? You want to say you didn't do it? Then how is my family dog Mantou here at your home?" Yin Ze asked.

Gao Yulan looked to the ground at Mantou's tail as it wagged, and said stupidly, "How would I know how it came here? I was drunk and saw it in my home. Perhaps I saw it in my yard yesterday and decided to pick it up? How do you know this is your dog? You call it Mantou, well, I call it Baozi."

Mantou, hearing its name, looked up.

Gao Yulan imitated Yin Ze and opened up her arms in an embrace, "Baozi, Baozi, come!"

Mantou shook its tail and sat beside Gao Yulan's leg, rubbing against it warmly.

Gao Yulan raised her head with a "how about this" expression proudly.

Yin Ze laughed coldly. "You trained my dog to follow your orders. Are you proud of that?"

Gao Yulan choked and said, "Anyways, if you come to my home with only spoken proof, even bringing a police officer is useless!" She gestured to her arm. "Look at me compared to you. My slender arms can steal your dog, but to beat you up till you're in a wheelchair... Who would believe that?"

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