♥ ᖴᒪIᖇT ♥

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I ran into my room and closed the door behind me, not sure what to think of what happened downstairs. He was being different from how he was earlier at dinner. He had a darker gaze in his eyes, and was a bit more cold. He made me nervous, scared but I also wanted to know more about him. It's almost like I forget how to breathe when he is talking to me. He makes me so nervous. I decided to look and see if he had an Instagram.

A few moments after scrolling and searching I finally came across his profile. He definitely has a lot of likes, and the comments are mostly females. He posts a lot about nights here with his boys . Makes me want to barf when I read that. I kept scrolling and got lost in the comments. I came across this photo of him smiling and looking very handsome. A girl commented on it and said " Fun night and morning, let's do it again soon ".

I don't know why but I kind of got annoyed with her comment. He must have a girlfriend, I mean why wouldn't he? He looks like a normal guy that likes to enjoy life. I don't understand how he got involved with my step dad in the first place. He doesn't seem like the type. I decided to continue stalking him on Instagram. Before I knew it I realized I accidentally liked a photo. I disliked it so fast. I hope he doesn't get a notification for it. This has to be one of the most embarrassing things ever. I don't want him to know I've been interested in his life.

I decided to sit my phone down and go shower to get my mind off of it, otherwise I was going to drive myself crazy. I got out of the shower, grabbed my towel. I added some moisturizer to my face, and brushed my teeth. I made my way into my room, to my closet to find some comfy clothes. I found some gray sweatpants and a nice oversized gray hoodie to match, and also threw on some socks. Dongchul loves to make it freezing cold here because it's so hot outside. Sometimes it feels like we live in a morgue.

I decided to leave my phone on the charger for the night, and to stay off of it. I balled up into my blanket and fell asleep for the night. I woke up, and rolled over to my side table. I grabbed my phone and my heart dropped when it said Jungkook started following me on Instagram. Which means he definitely got the notification about me liking his picture. " FUCK " I yelled kind of loud. My life is over as I knew it. I'm done for.

I decided to accept his follower request but then it made me super self conscious about my own posts. I have a feeling he's going to stalk my Instagram now. I started immediately going through my posts and I cringed the whole time. I decided to not delete anything, who cares what this dude thinks. Out of all my stepdads friends, He's the only one I've ever been interested in. I'm sure he's playing with me like I'm some kind of toy. Kind of like the guys do to Bianca. The thing is though I'm not Bianca, I won't play. I heard a huge bang downstairs. I had no idea what was going on but I ran downstairs. Sure enough it's Dongchul drunk off his ass in the afternoon.

Y/n: Why are you drunk at 4:00 in the afternoon?

Dongchul: Who are you, my mother? I thought she was still back in Korea, so mind your business little girl!

Y/n: You're such a...

Dongchul: I'm a what? Say it...

Y/n: An As...

Dongchul: That's what I thought.

I rolled my eyes and started to walk up the stairs. I caught a glimpse of Jungkook watching me walk up the stairs but I acted like I didn't see him. I know he's gonna try to be funny. An hour later Bianca knocked on my door and came into my room.

Bianca: Hey dinner is ready, you should come eat with us again.

Y/n: I don't want to.

Bianca: Why not? We had a good time, the last time.

Y/n: Maybe, I will later.

Bianca: Why aren't you coming?

Y/n: Is Jungkook still here?

Bianca: Yeah why?

Y/n: I'm gonna stay up here until he leaves, can you let me know when he's gone?

Bianca: Yeah, but why?

Y/n: I don't want to talk about it, it's embarrassing.

Bianca: Do you have a little crush on him?!? Did he do something to you?!?!

Y/n: No, I was looking at his Instagram, and I accidentally liked a picture of him. I unliked it as fast as I could but he still saw it and then he started following me, now I'm embarrassed.

Bianca: He probably doesn't even remember, Plus he has a girl here with him. He most likely followed you just to be nice. Don't overthink it.

Y/n: Yeah you're probably right.

I started following behind Bianca down the stairs. We sat down at the table and immediately Jungkook's eyes met mine and I broke the stare and looked down at my plate. Everyone was talking and laughing and enjoying themselves. I finished my plate and went to take it into the kitchen. I was craving some banana milk, so I grabbed some out of the fridge, poured it in a cup. I hopped up on the counter and started to drink it. As soon as I was comfortable I saw someone walking in the room and of course it was Jungkook. There was a girl with him, she was beautiful. She looked like she was a bit older than him though. I felt super irritated with him that he brought a woman here.

Jungkook: Why do I feel like you're avoiding me today?

Y/n: I'm not avoiding you.

Jungkook: It definitely feels like you're. Is it because you liked my picture?

He said with a grin on his face.

Y/n: It was an accident, and It's just a picture.

I said but my face started getting super red.

Jungkook: Do you have a little crush on me?

Y/n: A crush? on you? You're funny.

As I started to jump off the counter he pushed me back up and put his hands on the counter next to each of my thighs.

Jungkook: I think you like me.

Y/n: Isn't your girlfriend going to wonder where you are?

He cut me off...

Jungkook: She isn't my girlfriend.

Y/n: Well whoever she is....

Jungkook: She's a friend of mine.

Y/n: Hmm.

Jungkook: Yeah.

Y/n: Why do you seem like a totally different person than you were at the dinner last week?

Jungkook: What do you mean?

Y/n: You seem more confident and kind of strange.

Jungkook: I was drunk, and I have no filter when I'm in that state of mind.

Y/n: Clearly.

He leaned in closer, his forehead meeting mine and said.

Jungkook: Don't test me.

He walked away smiling.

MY STEPFATHERS FRiEND (21+) JJKWhere stories live. Discover now