My Badass/Softie GF part 2

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A/n: I couldn't decide on doing a sad or happy ending so I decided to do both so enjoy.

Sad Ending:

"Baby!!" I screamed in horror as I ran by her side, "baby, please wake up..come on please open your eyes" I cried as I held her close to my chest. One of the police officer ran to my side and tried to take Y/n away from me but I screamed No as I held on to her tight, "please miss, I need to get her into the back of my cruiser so we can take her to the hospital" said the officer, but I just couldn't let her go so Dinah had to pulled me away while I kicked and screamed, "Lauren! stop it!!" yelled Dinah and that's when I fell limped in her arms and just cried and cried. Dinah picked me up and place me in the back seat of Y/n's car with Camila then she quickly got in the drivers seat and took off to the hospital, a few minutes later we've arrived at the hospital, I quickly got out of the car and ran to the front desk receptionist, "I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n? she was shot in the stomach" I told her, she looked at me and said "one moment please" then she picked up the phone and called what I believe was the doctor. A few minutes later, I see the doctor coming my way, "are you here for ms. Y/l/n?" he asked and I nodded my head, that's when he looked at me with sadness in his eyes, Oh No.

"I'm so sorry to have to tell you this but she didn't make it" as soon as he said that, my whole world came crashing down on me, "the bullet that penetrate her stomach caused internal bleeding, I did everything I could to try and stop it but I couldn't---I'm so sorry" he said, I screamed at the top of my lungs as I fell to my knees. All of a sudden a couple of arms around my body, and I knew right away that it was Camila and Dinah that was when I cried unconditionally, "I am so sorry miss...when you are ready to see her, let the front desk know and I'll come and take you to her" said the doctor then he walked away. Dinah and Camila did their best to try and calm me down but how could I? the love of my life was gone, taken from me too soon, after I believe was twenty minutes I finally calmed down so I stood up and walked up to the lady behind the front desk, "tell the doctor that I am ready to see Y/n Y/l/n" I told her, she looked at me with sad eyes and nodded her head.

Once she got off the phone, she looked at me and says, "Dr. Collins will be with you in a short while, he's with a patient right now" I nodded my head and then I went to take a seat between Dinah and Camila. Camila leaned her head on my shoulder while Dinah rubbed my back, "I'm pregnant" I blurted out as tears began to fall again, Camila and Dinah both snapped their heads towards me but I didn't look at them as I continued, "and when I told her about it, she was so happy about it and asked me to marry her---I said yes" my voice cracked in the end, as I cried once again soon  Dinah and Camila joined me as they wrapped their arms around me, after a couple minutes, I look up and see Dr. Collins coming down the hall so I stood up along with my friends and slowly walked up to him, "are you ready?" he asked, we nodded our head then he told us to follow him so we did.

After a few minutes, he stopped in front of the door that said morgue on there, he turn around to us and says, "we are here, I will give you a moment to have you say your goodbyes, we also contacted her parents so they will be here in about an hour" then he walked away, Camila and Dinah both stood in front of me, I closed my eyes and prepared myself, "we can do this Lauser" Dinah spoke. I let out a shaky breath then I felt Camila hold my hand. Then we slowly opened the door and walked in. the room was dark and cold the only light I see was shown over Y/n's body, I quickly turned around and walked out the door, Camila quickly held onto me, "I can't do this, I just can't" I cried, "I understand Lo, this is hardest thing for you to do but you need to say your goodbyes or else you will regret it" she says quietly said. I knew she was right, "but how am I suppose to raise this baby without her Camz?, she was suppose to be here with me, by my side every step of the way" I said quietly as I slid down the wall, Camila took a seat in front of me and says, "you still us Lo, we will be with you for as long as you want" I smiled and hugged her, "thank you Camz, I think I'm ready now" I said as we pulled apart.

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