Separate Pt. 2

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Lauren g!p I forgot to mention, sorry. Also a smut warning


Once I got home, I see Lauren already sitting on couch, waiting for me. "So what do you want to tell me?" I asked while I sat by her, she looked at me and I noticed that her eyes were red, what she said next was unexpected. " Management wants me to start dating Ty and divorce you"......... "WHAT?!!!"

Lauren POV

  I looked at Y/n's face, I see that she was hurt and something else but I couldn't tell what it was. "But I told them that I will never leave you because I love you so much" I told her, She let out a loud relief sigh and covers her chest, I smiled a bit and then I said "that's not all that's happened". Y/N looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed and urged me to continue so I took a deep breath and told her what happened.

"So your first show will start on June 22nd and you are gonna be in the road for almost a year" he said. "Is it ok if my wife comes with me on this tour?" I asked Simon. Simon sighed and said "that's the other thing I wanted to talk to you about",the girls and I looked at each other then back at Simon, what he said next really got me pissed off. "I want you to do a Public Relationship with Tyler, this means you have to divorce Y/N", the room was silent and then "WHAT??!!" The girls and I shouted.

  I pushed my anger aside and took a deep breath before I spoke, "Simon, please don't do this to me...I love my wife so much, she's everything to me, so I don't want to divorce her just to do a PR with Ty", "we've known y/n for six years now, there's no way that we are going to let that happen because she is part of our family, she's out little sister!!" shouted Dinah, "Uncle Si, I'll gladly do the PR with Ty if it means not destroying Lauren's marriage" Normani volunteered .

  Simon slammed his fist against the desk real loud. "Enough!, I want Lauren to do this not you Normani, so either do this? Or I will disband the group, you have two days to think about it, now all of you leave" he said. The girls and I left the building and just sat in the van. Ally finally broke the silence, "it's not right...he just threaten to disband fifth Harmony, just because he want you to get a divorce and fake date Tyler?"
  "Even I offered to do the PR" said Normani. Dinah sighed and said "hey, I wouldn't mind taking a break from the music world...I can open up a restaurant with my mom", I looked at her. "This is our dream guys, we can't just take a break from it" I said. "Are you willing to sacrifice your marriage just for Fifth Harmony?, Y/N is gonna be heartbroken if you choose music over her", I sighed and said "you're right Ally, why don't we talk about this some more tomorrow? I'm tired and I just want to spend time with y/n".
                                   End flashback

"So I texted you, got back in the car and came home" I said as I looked at her. Suddenly she stood up and started walking upstairs, so I followed her. "Please say something hon" I pleaded as I entered the bedroom. She stood there, looking out the window, thinking about something so I sat on the bed and waited patiently.



    A lot was going through my mind as soon as Lauren had finished telling me what happened, I couldn't think so I figured if I go into our bedroom, things will start to come clear. "Please say something hon" I heard Lauren say, but I ignored her and stared out the window, just thinking. A few minutes past and one thing came into my mind. "You should try taking time apart from each other".
"How long is the PR going to be?" I asked Lauren, "I don't know baby, hopefully only for six months" she answered, I looked at her and gave her a small smile. She got up from the bed and wrapped her arms around my waist while I put mine around her neck and interlock my fingers. "You know I don't want to divorce you babe, I can't lose you, you're my other half" she said, I smiled and gave her a long passionate kiss.
  I slowly pulled away and rested my forehead against hers. "Neither do I babe, but this has been your dream job ever since you were 16, I can't let you sacrifice that for me" I whispered. She looked looked at me in disbelief, "so you want to divorce me?" she said in a sad tone. I shook my head, " never in a million years, but I think you should do the PR...I'm letting you do this because I don't want to see you lose your dream job" I said.
   Lauren sighed and said "are you sure about this babe?, I mean...what about the whole divorce thing?" , I nodded my head "yes I'm sure hon, besides I don't think Ty will want to touch this.." grabbed her crotch "because it's mine and only I can touch it" I told her, Lauren bit her lip. "And I'm sure Simon will be ok if you told him that we are going to be separated for awhile"
  Lauren looked at me confused, "I'm gonna be in Vancouver for at least six months with Alycia" I told her, Lauren immediately let go of me and started walking away. Its cute how she gets jealous, I smile at her, then I quickly grab her and lead her to the bed. "Let go of me y/n" she said, but I ignored her, soon I fell backward on the bed, pulling her with me, then I quickly put my legs around her and my arms around her neck so she wouldn't go anywhere.

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