She Hits you

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  Here I am, heading to my girlfriend's show, Lauren Jauregui from fifth harmony. We met at the meet and greet last year, we've been together for six months now and I'm happy with her because she treats me right. Sure she's away a lot on tours but we managed to make it work, when she's home, we go on dates, have fun at arcades, carnivals, paintball fights, etc., or just hang out and cuddle. We haven't said the big words yet but tonight I'm tell her that I love her so much.

  I arrived at my destination twenty minutes later, she didn't know I was coming since I bought the ticket instead going back stage. The only person who knew I was coming was my best friend Normani and I told her not to tell Lauren that I was gonna be here. A few minutes later the show started, the girls came on stage and did their thing, Normani notice me in the middle of the song, she smiled big and waved at me which I replicated.

   Once the song was done, Normani tapped Lauren's shoulder and pointed to me, Lauren followed Normani's finger and once she spotted me her eyes lit up, I waved and blew her a kiss, she blushed and waved back. Big bad wolf song came on and Lauren started dancing extra special for me, which got me turned on. She looked my way, and winked which I playfully glare at. She laughed a little and finished the rest of the song.

   Once the show was over, big Rob came to escort me to back stage to where the girls were, before we went, I heard someone called my name, so I turned around and I see my brother waving at me. I gasped, tears started coming out, I quickly ran and jumped on him, giving him the biggest hug ever. My brother is in the army, he's been overseas for 4 years and I haven't seen him since until now.

  "Omg y/b/n, you're here, how?,when?,why?" I asked, he chuckled and said " I just came back today, my services are done so I'm back for good" I finally got off of him then I asked "why didn't you call me?, did you know I'd be here?", "I wanted to surprise you baby sis, also mom told me" he said. He kissed my forehead and hugged me once more, "I missed you so much" I cried as I hugged him tight. Little did I know Lauren was watching us from a far.

   I finally pull away, y/b/n wiped my tears away. "Come on, I want you to meet my girlfriend" I said as I took his hand, but big Rob stopped me. " I'm sorry y/n but I was only told to bring you" he said, "but-" my brother cut me off, "hey it's ok, I'll wait here for you, so just bring her here" I smiled and went backstage, into the girls dressing room. "Hey girls, you killed it out there!" I said as I hugged them, but Lauren was not in the room. "Y/b/n Is back and he's here" I said to Normani, she quickly ran out the door. I laughed at her and I turned to Ally and asked where Lauren was.

  "I don't know, she just showered and left the room" she said. I went out to look for her, a few minutes later I found her outside, smoking so I went up to her. "Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked as I went to hug her but she pushed me away a little harshly , then she said "don't fucking touch think I wouldn't find out?" I looked at her confused, " find out what? What are you talking about?". She looked at me with anger in her eyes, "I JUST SAW YOU HUGGING YOUR PRECIOUS BOYFRIEND!" She yelled, "No babe, he's my-" she cut my off with a hard slap, which made me fall to the ground, "BULLSHIT!! YOU'RE A FUCKING LIAR!".

  Her face soften when she realizes what she did. I held my cheek as tears started to come out, she went to help me up but I quickly backed away and stood up. "Y/n...I.didn't...I" she said as she slowly approached me with her eyes watery. Suddenly the door opened, "hey y/n?, Your brother is waiting for you...what's going on?" Said Normani. Lauren covered her mouth then she said "babe...I'm so-" but I turned and ran back inside, ignoring Lauren's shouts for me.

  Once I reached to my brother, I quickly grabbed him arm and head out to the parking lot. "Whoa, sis what happen to your cheek?" He asked, "I'll tell you later, I'll meet you at my house" I cried as we approach our cars, I unlocked my car door, my brother already got in his car and left. "BABY, PLEASE STOP, I'M SORRY!!" Lauren shouted, as she was running towards us, I quickly got in and took off fast.


Lauren's POV

   Oh my god, what have I done?. I let my jealousy take over when all this time it was her brother that she was hugging. I shouldn't have done that, I regret the slap so much, now it looks like I'll never see her again. I have to make this right because I'm in love with her, yes I love her now she's not going to know that. I gotta get my baby back.

  I've been calling and texting Y/n all day but she's not responding. I was sitting in the back of the tour bus, crying and leaving messages for y/n. Suddenly Normani barged in, "what did you do to y/n?!" She yelled, " I-I th-thought she was ch-cheating on m-me, so I-I got an-gry and sl-sla-pped her hard, but I-I re-gret it s-so much" I said between crying. Normani hugged me and said "oh Lauren, you know she's not like that, she hates cheaters, that was Y/b/n, y/n's big brother from the army, he just came back today to meet you". I cried harder on her shoulder, "I fucked up so bad mani, wh-wh-what am I su-suppose to d-do without h-her, I-I ca-n't live without h-her" I said.

  "Shhh...knowing y/n, I'd say you have to work hard to get her to forgive you...if you love her than make it special" said Normani. I calmed down and nodded my head, "I do love her and I will do whatever it takes to get her back" I said. Soon Normani left me alone and I started working on a plan, later I went in my bunk, hugged my nala that y/n have me and went to sleep.


Here's another
Until next time ✌❤


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