I'm in love with my cousin pt. 2

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Lauren's POV


Ugh, I'm starting to really hate that annoying sound.
Wait....why can't I move?, why is everything....so dark?....maybe
I'm still dreaming, yeah that's it, I'm dreaming, I need to pinch
myself so I can wake...come on you stupid arm MOVE!!!....wait
who's holding hand? I can feel it.

*sound of a door opening*

who's there? please can you help me?!.
"how is she doing today doctor?" I hear my mom ask,
wait doctor? am I in a hospital? what's going on?,
"she's doing fine, no signs of trauma, concussion or anything" I hear the doctor say,
"why hasn't she wake up?" I hear another voice ask,
wait I know that voice....Y/n!!! she's here!!
"you just need to have patience miss, the impact she had with the car, wore her body out, she just needs to rest that's all" I hear the doctor say.
oh my god, I was in a car accident?


  "Y/n is not your blood relative" says abuela.

"what we are doing?......is wrong" she didn't say anything so I continued, "I've been going to church? and there was one thing that caught my attention......incest....Y/n, we're cousins and what we are doing is incest and it's wrong, so we need to stop this" I said.

"abuela found her in an alley when she was only two years old, her real name is Y/n Y/l/n, her real parents couldn't provide for her so they left her in the street"

"Are you sure you want to stop? does my love for you not mean anything to you anymore?" she whispers while looking into my eyes.

"a couple years ago, abuela and I went to go look for her parents, but I found out that someone had broken into their house and killed them" said Alejandro.

"take care of yourself my little Dragon fly" she whispers then she walked away without looking back.

"Y/n had also told me that she is in love and that she wanted to be with her" said abuela

*at our spot*

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I broke up with you, I'm sorry I didn't say anything when you asked if your love meant anything to me, well guess what? it means a lot to me" I said as I slowly walked towards her, "let me guess, abuela told you we're not related already" she says, "yes, but I should have known that already especially when you told me that you felt like you never belonged in the family two years ago' I said as I walked right in the middle of the road, luckily there was no cars around. "I've always felt that we were never related, because I know I would never feel like this towards a relative.....I love you so much baby, will you forgive me and be my girlfriend again please?" I asked, Y/n didn't had a blank face which was hard to read, I stood there as I nervously played with the rings on my fingers, then as she was about to say something, she looked to her right, her face changed to fear, "Lauren watch out!!" she yelled but it was too late, everything turned black.

*End Flashback* (I hope you all understood how I did the flashback)

I remember everything now, how I broke up with Y/n because I thought she was my cousin, only to find out later that she isn't.
"Thank you doctor" I hear my mom say.

*the door opens and closes again*

I assume the doctor had left, now the room was quiet that the only sound was the heart monitor, then the door opened and close once again.
"what did the doctor say?" I hear my dad say, he's here too.
Then I hear my mom explain what the doctor said to my dad.
After that I feel someone kiss the top of my head.
"Y/n, thank you for taking her to the hospital, I know you two were really close, and I guess she didn't take it so well when she heard that you two weren't related" I hear my mom say to Y/n.
"I just wish I was fast enough to push her out of the way" I hear Y/n say.
"I've known you guys for 16 years Clara, you're still my family and I love her so much still" she says.
I smiled when she said she still loves me.
"she loves you too Y/n, no matter what" I hear my dad say.
suddenly I hear a chair move,
"I better get going now, I have a long ride ahead of me" I hear Y/n say.
wait is she leaving? NO!! I have to tell her that I love her, I need to tell my family that I'm in love with her.
Then I feel lips pressed against my forehead, I knew it was Y/n's because sparks were shooting through my veins and butterflies were fluttering in my stomach.
"I love you Dragon fly, good bye" I hear her whisper in my ear.
No!! I don't want her to leave, I need her here, I can't lose her now, not ever!!
I hear the door opening, I knew she was about to leave, then the door closed.
COME ON!!! OPEN YOUR EYES!!! come on Lauren, open your eyes so you can stop her from leaving.


*heart monitor beeping fast*

"Lauren!, NURSE!! COME QUICK I THINK SHE'S ABOUT TO WAKE UP" yelled Clara as she held Lauren's face between her hands.
"come mija, you can do it, wake up sweetie" Clara cried, finally Lauren's eyes opened only to close it again due to the brightness of the light.
Lauren groans as she held her arm across her eyes, she blinked again until her eyes adjusted to the light.
"hello Ms. Jauregui, I'm Dr. Swift, how are you feeling?" asked the doctor as she checked Lauren's eyes.
"my mouth is a little dry" Lauren croaked out, Clara quickly got her daughter some water.
Once Lauren quenched her thirst, she looked around the room, her dad was sitting on the couch smiling at her with tears in his eyes, she looked to her left and see her mom sitting on the chair by her side.
She looked down at her body and sees a small cast on her left wrist and left foot which is not bad.
The doctor was asking Lauren a few questions just to make sure nothing was wrong with her, a couple minutes later, the doctor left that's when Lauren looked at her mom.
"where's Y/n?" she asked
"sweetie she went home, she's getting her car then she's gonna leave for college" said Clara
"I have to go see her before she leaves" Lauren says as she sits up,
"GET THESE THINGS OFF OF ME!!" she yelled as she pulls out the needles from her arms.
Mike quickly held her down while Clara pressed the button on the wall beside the bed.
Soon a nurse came with a needle in her hand.
"NO!!, let me go dad, please I have to stop her!," Lauren yelled while trying to get out of her dad's grasp, soon she feels the needle pierced her butt.
Lauren started to slowly calming down
"I'm in love with her, she's been my girlfriend for almost three years now, please" Lauren mumbles.
"what??" she hears her mom say before everything went dark.

Here's part 2, sorry it's a little short but I tired lol
Part 3 anyone?
Until next time ✌❤

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora