My teacher

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     "Ms. Jauregui, I think it's time to stop this", "mmm, why?, We're having a good time", "yeah, but I want to be in a serious relationship, so in order to do that, we have to stop this affair" Lauren pulled away from my neck and looked at me, "you want us to end this?". I sighed as I gently pushed her away so I could get off from the desk, yes I've been seeing my history teacher for about three months now, "yes, I'm 16 years old Lauren and I want to know how it feels like to be in a committed relationship" I see Lauren in her deep thoughts so I grabbed my bag and started walking to the door, "I'm gonna go to lunch now, I'm starving" just when I was about to walk out, I get pulled back imside, "what if WE become official?", "But I thought you don't do relationships, besides there's a lot of girls out there your age that are better looking than me", "I'm willing to break my own rules for you, and to me, you are the only gorgeous girl I see so....Will you be my girlfriend?", "Yes...but let's get one thing straight" , "what's that?" , "if you break up with me or even cheat on me..I will change my number, and you'll never see me again", "that's not gonna happen, but I promise not to cheat or break up with you", then we sealed with a pinky swear and a kiss.


    Ever since that day, Lauren and I have been going strong for almost a year now, at school, we kept it professional, no eye contact, or smiles with each other, except during lunch breaks, that's when we make out and be all lovey dovey. On weekends and date nights, we would go out and do different activities, like a normal couple instead of staying home, just as long as we don't bump into anyone from school, she was the one who said "I love you" first when we were stargazing on top of the hill overseeing the glorious city.

   Today is my 17th birthday, Lauren and I made love for the first time and I loved every minute of it, she treated my body really good, right now we were laying in her bed with our naked bodies pressing against each other, kissing each other every now and than. " was it baby?" she asked while playing with my fingers, "it was perfect, just the way I imagined it" I replied, she smiled, "I love you" she said and kissed me passionately, "I love you too" I told her as I caressed her cheek, "I'm gonna take you out to the club tonight" she suddenly said as she got out of bed, "but I barely just turned 17" I said as I sat up , holding the sheets against my chest. "Don't worry, the club we're going to, doesn't have age limit except for drinks" she says then she pulls the sheets off my body making me giggle. "So want to take a shower together?" She said with a smirk, I playfully rolled my eyes and said "we're gonna take forever so I'm going to the other shower", she laughed and nodded her head, luckily I brought extra clothes so I took my back pack with me to the bathroom.

     Twenty minutes later, I was already done getting ready, I was sitting on the bed putting on my shoes when I heard Lauren's phone ringing from the kitchen, "babe!, Your phone's ringing" I shouted, " can you answer it please?..I'm in the middle of my makeup! " she shouted back, "ok" I said so I walked out the door, "thank you I love you!" I heard her say , making me smile. Just as I got to the kitchen, the ringing stops so I checked it and see the name "Camz", I furrowed my eyes then suddenly it rings again with the same name so I answered, "Ms. Jauregui 's phone" I said, "oh um, who's this?" She said, " this is Y/n, Ms. Jauregui is my history teacher " I responded since no one can't know of our relationship. "Oh ok, is she there right now?" she asked, "yes she is, but she's in the bathroom right now, she was helping me with my assignment" I said so she won't get suspicious, "so who are you?" I asked, " oh I'm sorry, my name is Camila, I'm Lauren's girlfriend " she said.

    What the fuck??. "Like friendly way or romantic?" I asked, "romantic" she giggled, ouch my heart just cracked. "No way!, O.M.G. How long?" I asked with the best  happy tone I could muster while on the inside, I was dying, "for about four months now" she said, "aww that's so cute...wait...I think I hear her coming now so I'm gonna give it her" I said when I heard her bathroom door open, then I pressed mute and walked back upstairs. "Who was on the phone?" she asked as she grabbed her coat, by now my tears were falling down, "here I put it on mute" I cried, she looked at me than down at her phone. I grabbed my backpack and my jacket and started walking out the door, "" she said as she threw her phone on the bed and followed me, "she's just my best friend" she said, " no she isn't because she told me that she's your girlfriend of four months" I said as I faced her, then she started to cry, "I'm so sorry" she said.

    I'm a kind person with a soft heart so I walked up to her and gave her a hug, she kept apologizing to me while I tried to calm her down. A few minutes later we finally pulled away, I took out a makeup remover from her purse to wipe her mascara off, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" "shhh" I cut her off. "Please don't go...I can't lose you" she said quietly, I sighed as I cupped her face while she put her own hands over mines, "I'm sorry Lauren but you just did...I meant what I said when we became official " I told her, which made her cry some more. I wiped her tears once more before I gave her one last kiss, letting it linger, feeling the butterflies for the last time. I pulled away and started walking towards the front door, "good bye Ms. Jauregui" I said, watching her fall to her knees as she continues to cry. I left her house and started walking home with a broken heart and tears in my eyes. so much for the best birthday ever.

Taking a break from zombie chapter
So here's a different chapter
Enjoy reading and part 2? Yay or Nay
Until next time ✌❤

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