Holiday: St. Patrick's day

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A/n I added Camila in this chapter

⚠Warning⚠: Drama Ahead


   "Babe, for the last time go and have fun...I'll watch after Michelle" I said to Lauren. She got invited to her friends party tonight, I want her to have fun because she's been stressing a lot from work, it was 6pm and the party starts at 7. "I don't know, I mean...I would rather stay home with my little family instead" she protested but I wasn't having it. "No, you need please just go...I want you to have a good time with your friends, you hardly do that since your job got you working hard so go" I argued. She finally agreed so she went upstairs and got ready for the party, I looked at Michelle, "we are so gonna have some fun tonight baby girl" I said to her then I tickled her little tummy, making her giggle.

   While I played with Michelle on the floor, I hear Lauren coming down so I looked towards the doorway and see her in a black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt with a four leaf clover on, and a black leather jacket on. "How do I look?" she asked shyly, we hear Michelle gurgling and clapping her little hands, I smiled and said "we both think you look beautiful". I chuckled when I see Lauren blush, I got up and gave her a sweet kiss and said "have a great time baby, don't do anything wild", she giggled at me and nodded her head ten she walked over to our baby and gave her a kiss on the forehead, "I'm gonna miss you sweetheart, I'll be back real soon" she said then walked over to me again and smashed her lips on mine, I gasped when her tongue entered my mouth, she smirked and continued to explore my mouth. Lauren whine when I pulled away, "That was intense but our little girl is behind you...also you need to go now" I said. I gave her a quick pack then slapped her butt a little, she bit her lip and walked out the front door.

Lauren POV

  I arrived at Dinah's party, twenty later. Once I walked into her house, it smelt like sweat and alcohol so I covered my nose and made my way to the kitchen. "Ralph, you made it!" Screamed Dinah as she hugged me, " where's the other girls? " I shouted, Dinah grabbed the drinks and motioned me to follow her so I did, once we were outside, I see Normani, Ally and her boyfriend Troy sitting around the bond fire. I walked over and greeted them, "Happy St. Patrick's day ladies and man" I said as I sat next to Ally. "Lauren! You came" said Ally as she hugged me, "yeah y/n convinced me to come and have fun" I replied, I fist bumped Troy. Dinah handed me a bottle of beer, "I can't, I'm still breast feeding" I declined, so she gave me a Dr.Pepper instead. "I still can't believe you have a mini you Ralph" she said, I smiled, " yeah, I know, I always thought that I would start a family until I was in my thirties but once I met y/n, I just couldn't wait" I replied.

   "You really love her don't you?" asked Normani, "of course mani, she's helped me a lot, supported me, she's perfect in every way and I'm lucky to have her" I said. "Goals!!" Shouted Dinah, we all laughed at her outburst, we continued to laugh and have a good time until... "Oh my god, what's she doing here?" said Mani as she stood up, we all looked towards where she was looking. My eyes grew wide when I saw my ex, Camila talking to a guy. " CAMILA!!" Mani shouted as she ran towards her, soon Ally and Dinah joined and gave Camila a big group hug. "Oh my god, I missed you girls so much" said Camila when they broke apart. Camila and I dated in high school for two years until she moved to California with her family, without saying goodbye which left me broken hearted, I met y/n three years later in college.

  When Camila looked towards my way, she smiled and said "hi lolo", I smiled a little, "hey Camz" I responded, "what are you doing here Mila?" asked Ally, Camila giggled "I just moved back yesterday and I wanted to see you girls again so I asked around and a girl told me that Dinah was throwing a party" she said. Then the girls day around the fire again, Camila sat across from. It was now 8 pm, I was starting to get uncomfortable because every now and then, Camila would look at me while I talk to Ally. Suddenly my phone buzzed, I checked and see that I got a text from Y/n so I opened it, I smiled when I saw a picture of her and Michelle dressed in green onesies, and clover stickers all over their faces, laying inside a fort. "Hope you are having fun, we love you" it said. Ally awed when I showed her the picture, "She really good with Michelle, a real keeper" she said which I agreed to. "So Lolo, how have you been doing?" Camila asked, I looked away from my phone and towards her, "I'm doing great, got a good job, I have a daughter with my girlfriend of five years" I responded with a smile.

   "O-oh, wow congratulations" she said, I thanked her and texted Y/n back. "Oh my god, you should see her, she looks just like Lauser only prettier" Dinah joked, " Hey!, Take wait that's definitely true" I said, then we all laughed except Camila, she only smiled. "Guys, I'm gonna go home now, I'm missing my babies" I said as I stood up, the girls nodded their head then they gave me a hug. " it's good to see you again Camz, have a good evening" I said then I walked back inside because I needed to go to the bathroom.

  Once I left the bathroom, I was making my towards the front door, but then two guys got into a fight so I quickly walked back out the backyard, "Dinah! There's two guys fighting in the living room!" I shouted as I walked to the gate. "Oh hell no!! Not in my house!! " yelled Dinah as she ran back inside. I was walking to my car when I saw a figure standing by the front gate. When the person, I sighed when I saw that it was Camila, "it's just you" I said as I continued walking towards my car, suddenly she turned me around and kissed me hard but I quickly pushed her off, "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I shouted as I wiped my lips. "I miss you so much lolo" said Camila, "No!! left without saying good bye, you broke my heart, I was in pieces and depressed for years!, So don't you tell me that you miss I have a family now" I shouted, "I'm sorry ok?, I was hard for me to say good bye to you, I didn't mean to hurt you lo, I still love you" she said.

"Well I don't love you anymore, you did hurt me real bad but luckily my girlfriend was there for me as she put all the pieces back to're nothing to me now" I said with tears in my eyes, then I turned around and started walking to my car again. "She's never gonna replace our love and you know that lolo, and besides we never broke up so technically we're still together" she said as she follows me. "You're wrong, She did replace our love and made it even better, and we are not together, never will be because I'm very happy with y/n, my 'Girlfriend', plus she gave me my daughter Michelle...good bye Camila" I said as I got in the car and took off.

  Once I got home, all my anger just disappeared and replaced with happiness, so I went inside with a smile on my face. I took off my jacket and put it in the hallway closet then I hear giggling coming from the living room so I went to see what's happening. My heart jumped when I see Y/n laying inside the fort with Michelle on her chest, watching the good dinosaur. I smiled when I heard them giggling when Arlo tried to scream, Y/n turned her head once she notice me standing there. She smiled widely then she put her finger on her lips and she silently signals me to look at Michelle with her fingers so I did, "look mommy" she says quietly to Michelle, suddenly her little head quickly turns towards me. I smiled when I see her crawling towards me with a smile on her face, I got down on my knees and picked her up.

   I started pepper kissing all over her face as she giggled, "how was the party?" asked y/n as she softly kissed my lips, I smiled when I felt sparks and butterflies. "It was fun until Camila showed up" I said, "Camila? in.." She said, I nodded my head. " Whoa...when did she.." She asked, "apparently she moved back here yesterday" I said as I put down Michelle. "What wrong?" Y/n asked, she always knows when something is wrong which I love, I sigh "she kissed me when I was about to leave the party, but I quickly pushed her away...then she started talking about how she misses me and so on but I wasn't having it so I lashed out on her and left" I said.

  Y/n quickly embrace me when she sees a year rolling down my cheek, "Hey..hey..look at me" she whispered so I did, "I know what she did to you was cruelful and wrong, but I think you should thank her" she said, I furrowed my eyebrows, "why?" I asked, "because you wouldn't have met me if she didn't left you, we wouldn't be here right now, we have Michelle, a home, and all the love we have for each other and more" she said with a smile. I smiled widely and gave her a lingering kiss, "you're right baby, but I'm not gonna talk to her" I said, She squinted her eyes at me which I did the same to her then she said "Ok fine, give me a moment" then she started walking to the front door, "where are you going?" I asked, she looked at me with a smirk. oh no!. " nowhere just outside" she said as she opened the door and closed it behind her, suddenly I hear her yell. "THANK YOU CAMILA FOR LEAVING LAUREN!!, BECAUSE SHE'S MY EVERYTHING AND I LOVE HER WITH ALL MY HEART!!, HAPPY ST. PATRICK'S DAY EVERYBODY!!!" I starting laughing when I heard people cheering and honking their horns, then y/n walked back inside with a smile on her face, "you're crazy baby" I chuckled, "yeah I am, crazy and whipped for you" she said as she picked me up and spin me around, then she kissed me deeply and hugged me. Once I got off her, I ran upstairs and changed into my onesie and joined my babies in the living room, we had a wonderful time together, y/n and Michelle started putting stickers on my face, then we all cuddled in the fort and watched movies until our eyes got heavy. I turned off the movie and went to sleep with my arm wrapped around my babies. What a great way to spend St. Patrick's day..

Here's another holiday
Until next time ✌❤

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