Worth a Shot

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This goes to lesbianism_is_me

Lauren's POV

   "Yo Lauser, here she come again?" said Dinah, I look behind me and see Y/n coming over once again. I rolled my eyes and turned back to my friends. Y/n has been trying to ask me out for almost two years now, and frankly I'm getting very tired of it. Doesn't she get that I'm not interested in her, she's too annoying. "Hey Lauren, how are you today?, you look beautiful" said Y/n as she approached the table, I ignored her comment and said, "let me guess, you're here to ask me out once again", she smiles and said "come on (your nickname for her), just one date, I planned the perfect date for you, and if you don't like it then I won't ask again please" she pleaded, I cringed at the nickname she gave me, I couldn't take it anymore so I stood up and faced her, "for the last fucking time, Y/n, I. Don't!!. Want to go on a date with you!, I don't even fucking like you so just fucking leave me alone!" I snapped at her.

   By now everyone in the cafeteria were watching us but I didn't fucking care. Y/n looked at me with sadness in her eyes, then she nodded her head, "ok, I'm sorry for annoying you Lauren, it was worth a shot, so I won't bother you anymore, goodbye" she said, then she left. I sighed in relief as I sat back down, " damn Ralph, that was a bit harsh" said Dinah, "I don't care, at least she won't bother me anymore" I said as I took a bite of my food. Soon lunch was over so I went to my next class which I had with y/n, I walked in and sat in the back of the room, later y/n walks in, she makes eye contact with me but she quickly looks away and sits two seats away from me. During the class, it kinda felt weird because usually y/n would distract me by sending me notes but now she's just quiet, I guess I got used to her trying to get my attention but I'm sure it'll go away and so I thought.


   Three weeks had passed and y/n never bothered me, well she's been avoiding me now, I should be grateful for it but I must admit I do miss her giving me her attention, even in class I would try to talk to her but she moved to the front row. One day Camila came running into the cafeteria, "guys!, Did you hear that Hailey asked y/n out on a date?" She said, my head snapped up when I heard her name, " who's Hailey?" I asked, "whoa Ralph, you sound jealous" said Dinah, "shut up Dj, I'm just asking" I said as I turned back to Camila, "she's the new student that transferred here a week ago" said Camila as she sat down, "she must've said yes" said Normani. "Why do you say that?" I asked, " because look" she said, pointing to front entrance of the cafeteria, I turned around and saw y/n walking in, hand in hand with the new girl.

  My blood started boiling when I saw them laughing, my fist clenched when I see this Hailey chick putting her hand on y/n's knee. "You alright Lauren?, your face is red" said Normani, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick" I said then I quickly ran out of there before they asked anymore questions. When I was in the stall I started to think, why was I getting mad when I saw them together?, Am I jealous?. Then it hit me, the reason why I was missing Y/n, her annoyance, her attention towards me is because...I'm in love with her. I started to cry because I just barely realized it and now it's too late for me. She's moved on and might possibly be in a relationship with the new girl.

   Soon I hear someone coming in so I kept quiet. "So you're actually going on a date with Hailey?..what about Lauren?" said one of the girls, I peeked through door and see y/n with her friend Ally. "Lauren doesn't like me Ally...she said so herself so I'm moving on...besides Hailey's funny, sweet and fun to be around with so I want give her a chance" said y/n, "ok y/n, as long as your happy, I gotta go meet with my boyfriend so I'll see you later" said Ally, then she left. I took a deep breath and walked out the stall, "Hey" I said, making y/n jump, "Jesus" she said as she held her chest then she turned back around , making me frown. "Are you really moving on?" I asked, she just nodded her head as she washed her hands, " please talk to me y/n" I begged, but she just ignored me.

   I groaned and said, "please say something, I can't stand you not talking to me", she scoffed, "you told me to leave you alone so that's what I'm doing...I just wanted to have one date with you but you rejected me by shouting front of everyone...so I'm moving on....excuse me" she said then she walked around me and towards the door but I gently pulled her back towards me, "I'm sorry ok?, I shouldn't have done that, I was stupid and I want to make it up to you by going on a date" I said, "why? So you can feel good about yourself if you do? No thanks, I already have a date with someone else" she said then she left the bathroom, leaving me in tears.

  I was too sad to go to class so I ditched and sat on the bleachers all day with my head on my knees. A few minutes later I hear my name being called so I turned my head and see y/n's friend Ally walking up the steps, "Hey Ally" I said as I put my head back on my knees. "What's wrong Lauren?" She asked as she sat by me, " nothing just not feeling good, why are you here? " I asked politely, "I have a free period so I come here to read. Now tell me what's really wrong with you?" She said, I sighed, "I made a stupid mistake now I can't make it right" I said, "I'm guessing the mistake has something to do with y/n?" She said, I nodded my head as I start to cry again.

   "I shouldn't have yelled at her, I should've just went on a date with her but it's too late, she's moved on but I don't want her to" I cried. Ally held me as I continue to cry, "she hasn't moved on just yet Lauren, she's going on one date with this girl, listen I may not like what you did to her, but she always talk about you and she smile every time, she does..she's lovey dovey for you so don't give up just yet" she said. I smiled when she said that, "thank you Ally, I needed that and you're right, I'm not gonna give up on her until I make her mine...it might take awhile but it's worth a shot" I said.


I hope you like it
Should I make part two or cliff hang it? Lol
Until next time ✌❤

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now