Why would you do this to us?

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Y/n's POV

It was 10 o'clock at night and I was sitting in the living room, waiting for my wife to come home, I was sipping on wine when the front door opened, I hear her put her keys in the bowl and started walking in. "Hey, I didn't know you were still up?" she asked and I didn't reply so she sat down in the arm chair that was in front of me and asked, "what's wrong?", I took a deep breath and said, "you know...for six months, I started to wonder...how is it that my own wife never has time for me and our kids anymore?", "be-" but then I interrupted her, "how you would rather go out with her friends on her days off instead", "I-" I interrupted again, "how you would snap at me whenever I try to tell you to spend time with us" she didn't answered again so I continued, ."did the spark we once had just...faded?", I looked at her and see that she was looking at me confused so I said, "I finally got my answers four months ago, that's when I started thinking why?.....why didn't you tell me?.....why are you still here?...and most importantly why would you do this to us?", "what are you talking babe?" she asked annoyingly so I got out my phone and replayed the voicemails that I saved and set it down on the coffee table in front of us.

Voicemail: you have two saved voice messages, new message sent on March 12th, 2021, sent by, 305-882-9760

*moanings* "uhhh it's feels so good", "stop talking and just enjoy" *moans louder*  **beep**

end of message

I looked at her and said, "It's nice to know what you did on your son's 10th birthday"

Voicemail: new message sent on July 2nd, 2021, sent by, 305-882-9760

"hey baby, I was hoping I would talk to you in person, anyways I was wondering if you would like to come with me to Paris tomorrow, it's a business trip but it can also be for pleasure, I would ask my wife but you know what she's going to say, anyways let me know ok? Love you bye" **beep**

Voicemail: there are no more messages

"at least I was mentioned in that one" I said to her, she looked at me with tears in her eyes, "I'm so sorry" she says and started to cry real hard as she buried her face in her hands, she started apologizing, saying it was a mistake, I just took out the envelope and set it by the phone along with my wedding ring, then I made my way to the front door.

Lauren's POV

"Please baby, forgive me, I'm so so sorry" I cried then suddenly I hear a door close which made me look up and noticed that she was not in the room, I look down and see an envelope with my name on it by her phone then I saw her wedding ring which made my heart break even more, I quickly ran upstairs into our room, "babe please" I said as I entered the room but she was not in there so I quickly ran to our kids room, hoping that she was in there, when I walked in, I noticed that room was empty, no pictures were hanged up, the bed was stripped down, then I hear something opened outside so I ran to the window and see Y/n putting her stuff in the back of a taxi cab, "No!!" I shouted as I quickly ran out of the room and down the stairs, I quickly opened the door, just when she was to get in the taxi, "please don't do this!" I cried as I ran to her, but she got in the car and locked the doors so I wouldn't open it, I bang on the door and cried, "please baby, I'm sorry, please don't go, I will anything for you please!" I cried as I hit on her window, but she didn't look my way, instead she told the driver to go, so the car started to move, "NO!! I need you baby, please don't leave me" I screamed as I ran along side of the taxi then the car started going faster and faster until I couldn't catch up with it. I just sat on my knees on the sidewalk and continue to cry.

After fifteen minutes, I slowly got up and started walking back to the house. Once I got back inside, my eyes were burning from all the crying but I still made my way to the living room, I picked up Y/n's wedding ring and held it to my broken heart, "I'm so stupid" I cried as I sat down on the couch, then I finally got the envelope and opened it, I cried even more when I found out what it was, Divorce and Child custody papers. "FUCK!!!" I screamed as I dropped the papers and started to trash the place. I walked into the kitchen and started throwing every glass against the wall while screaming at the top of my lungs, "WHY THE FUCK AM I SO STUPID!!!", suddenly there was a loud knocking at the front door but I ignored it and continue to throw things against the wall until I heard, "Miami police, put your hands in the air!!", I was breathing heavily as I slowly put my hands up, "what seems to be the problem ma'am?" asked one of the officers, "my wife found out that I was having an affair for six months...now she wants a divorce and is gonna my kids away from me" I whispered as tears fell down my face, "I'm so sorry to hear that, but please keep it down or we're gonna have to arrest you" he says, I closed my eyes and nodded my head, then they left my house. I went down the basement to the cellar and got out a bottle of whiskey, then I walked back up the stairs, sat in the living room and just drank away until I passed out.

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