I'm in love with my cousin

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Lauren's POV

I'm so nervous, It's been a year since I last seen HER. She's the
love of my life, her name is Y/n Estrabao, yes she is Camila's sister
and the most fucked up thing is that she is my cousin, yes the
Cabello are related to the Jauregui's. I know it is wrong but we
can't help it, at the age of 16, we were both having a sleepover
before she goes back to Cuba, she doesn't live with Alejandro and
Sinu, she lives with our grandmother in Cuba, anyways during
our sleepover, she told me that she didn't feel like she belonged
the family.


"hey Laur?"


"can I tell you something?"

*sits up* "of course Y/n/n, you can tell me anything"

"um, I've been feeling something for a long time and"

my heart was pounding hard

"what is it?"

"It's just that...the only reason why I live in Cuba instead of here is that I don't really feel like I belong in this family, I'm too different from these guys and when I look at them....it feels like I'm a stranger"

"maybe it feels that way because you don't spend time with them Y/n/n"

"no I've tried to spend time with them and it still feels the same, I've been feeling like this since I was like 6 Laur....I don't know what wrong with me"

"hey nothing is wrong with you ok?, you are perfect just the way you are"

she looks at me in the eyes, making me gulp, then she moves closer to me, making my heart beat little fast.

"I've also feel something else....something towards you"

"and-and what's that?"


end flashback

We shared our first kiss that night, it felt so right and at the same
time it felt so wrong, I felt sparks in our kiss and butterflies in my
tummy. Ever since that night, things changed between us, we
both confessed our feelings for each other. The next day, we were
at the airport and I was sad to see her go, we both went to the
bathroom and made out in the stalls, when her plane was
boarding, we held each other for a long time until eventually she
had to pull away and got on the plane. We would text and call
each other everyday, At age 17 she came back for Alejandro and Sinu's 35 year anniversary party, that night we had our first time
and it was perfect, she was gently with me. That was the night I
told her that I love her, she smiled and said "I love you too" then
we made love again, today was Y/n's birthday so her and abuela
are coming to Miami and also I'm gonna do something that I
think is the right thing to do.

An hour later, we were all at the Cabello's house waiting for Y/
n and abuela to show up. I was getting really nervous, I played
with my cross necklace while sitting outside by the pool, soon I
hear everyone say "Happy Birthday Y/n!!", I walked in and see
everyone hugging Y/n and abuela, I looked at Y/n and noticed that
she grown even more beautiful if that's even possible but I
quickly shook it off and went over to hug her, "I missed you so
much" she whispers in my ear, I smiled and said "I missed you too
and happy birthday", she pulled away and smiled, "thank you"
she says, I walked over to abuela and gave her a hug, "how are
you doing my sweet babygirl?' she says as we pulled, "good
abuela" I tell her. A couple hours later, everyone was outside
chatting with one another while eating cake and Camila went
into her room to take a nap so I took this time to talk to Y/n so I
looked over and noticed that she was already looking at me
smiling, I gulped and nodded my head towards the house, silently
telling her that I wanted to talk to her, she nodded her and went
inside the house, a minute later I walked inside and up to her old
room where she was waiting for me.

when I walked in, I see her sitting at the edge of the bed, when
she looked up, she stood, "I need to tell you something" we both
said at the same time. Y/n chuckled and says, "ok you first", I
nodded my head and took a deep breath then I said, "what we are
doing?......is wrong" she didn't say anything so I continued, "I"ve
been going to church? and there was one thing that caught my
attention......incest....Y/n, we're cousins and what we are doing is
incest and it's wrong, so we need to stop this" I said. She walked
up to me while I walked backwards, suddenly my back hit the
wall and she put her hands on each side of my head, trapping me
then she leaned closer to me to the point where I felt her breath
hit my lips. "Are you sure you want to stop? does my love for you
not mean anything to you anymore?" she whispers while looking
into my eyes, I looked at her and tried to say something but I
couldn't say anything back.

Her eyes got watery which made my heart ping, she nodded
her head and slowly backed away, "okay" she says then she was
about to walk out the door but I grabbed her arm, "wait, did you
needed to tell me something to?" I asked, she looked over her
shoulder at me and says, "I"m moving back to the states for
college, just thought you should know", I was about to say
something when I hear my dad yell from downstairs, "Lauren,
Karla!, come down to the living room, we need to tell you
something", Y/n walked out the door with me right behind her, I
look to my left and see Camz walking out of her room, rubbing
the sleepiness out of her eyes and bushy hair, "hey Lolo and Y/n/
n" she said and we both greeted her back while walking down
the stairs but instead of going towards the living room, Y/n was
heading out the front door, I quickly grabbed hold of her arm,
"wait!, where are you going? pops just asked us to go into the
living room" I said, "I didn't hear my name when he yelled" she
said harshly, I ignored it "come on ba-Y/n, this is probably
important" I said, when she looked at me, my heartbreak broke,
her eyes were red and tears were falling down her cheeks,
"please let me go, I need to get away from you so I can move on"
she cried, I felt a tear rolled down my cheek which she wiped
away then she kissed my forehead and let it linger.

When she pulled away, she gave me a hug which I replicated,
"take care of yourself my little dragon fly" she whispers then she
walked away without looking back. I quickly pull myself together
and walked back inside the house, I told my father that I needed
to use the bathroom, once I walked inside, I burst into tears. After
a couple minutes, I got out of the bathroom and into the living
room, I sat between Camila and Taylor, "what's going on?" I
asked. Everyone looked towards abuela who was sitting on an
arm chair, "abuela?" I said, "I believe it's time I tell you all the
truth about something" she says but then Camila shouts, "wait!"
everyone looked at her, "where's Y/n? she should be here to hear
this too" she says, "she knows mija, abuela told her before they
came here" said Sinu, "so as I was saying, Y/n is not your blood
relative" says abuela.

"WHAT!?" Camila, Taylor, Chris and I screamed, "abuela found
her in an alley when she was only two years old, her real name is
Y/n Y/l/n, her real parents couldn't provide for her so they left her
in the street, a couple years ago, abuela and I went to go look for
her parents, but I found out that someone had broken into their
house and killed them" said Alejandro, "Y/n had also told me that
she is in love and that she wanted to be with her" said abuela as
she looked at me, I quickly jumped out of my sit and ran out the
door, ignoring my family, I kept on running to where I believe Y/
n was at which was our spot. After ten minutes of non stop
running I finally reached the locations, I bend down to catch my
breath, as I looked up I see Y/n about to get into her vehicle, "Y/
n!!" I shouted, she looked up and sees me on the other side of the
street, "what are you doing here Lo?" she says as she stood there,
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I broke up with you, I'm sorry I didn't say
anything when you asked if your love meant anything to me, well
guess what? it means a lot to me" I said as I slowly walked
towards her, "let me guess, abuela told you we're not related
already" she says, "yes, but I should have known that already
especially when you told me that you felt like you never belonged
in the family two years ago' I said as I walked right in the middle
of the road, luckily there was no cars around. "I've always felt
that we were never related, because I know I would never feel
like this towards a relative.....I love you so much baby, will you
forgive me and be my girlfriend again please?" I asked, Y/n didn't
had a blank face which was hard to read, I stood there as I
nervously played with the rings on my fingers, then as she was
about to say something, she looked to her right, her face changed
to fear, "Lauren watch out!!" she yelled but it was too late,
everything turned black.

Part 2?
Until next time ❤✌

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now