Surviving World Z final chapter

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Lauren's POV

          It has been two weeks since the crew and I came back from

California, my father and a few other workers started making

plans about making the walls a couple more acres wider to

where there will be more room for any other survivors, also

electrians install solar panels so now we have POWER!!. As for

Y/n and I, well we are happy and stronger than ever, since her

family moved into her house, we decided to get a place of our

own a couple doors down, which leads us to right now,

unpacking a few boxes. "you know baby we should go out and

find some furniture for the house" said Y/n as she was hanging

up her clothes in the walk in closet, "babe, we already have

furniture" I said as I chuckled, "what about some appliances like

microwave, coffee machine, T.v with Blu-ray, then we can get

some movies or all the movies so we can have movie nights

together" she says, I smiled and said, "that's not a bad idea babe,

we can get Dinah and Normani to come with us so they can get

some too for themselves too", Y/n squealed then suddenly she

tackled me on the bed making me laugh as I held onto her, "I

love you so much Lo" she says, "I love you more babygirl" I said

then I kissed her sweet addicting lips, soon it turned into a full

on make out session, I quickly flipped us around, making me on


           When we pulled away, I immediately started kissing from

her jawline all the way to her neck, I was about grab and pull off

her shirt but before I could do that, she quickly grabbed my

hands and flipped us around to where she was on top then she

leaned down and pecked my lips. "not right now baby, we have a

lot of things to do so come on" she says then she got off the bed

and walked out of the room, leaving me confused. I got up from

the bed and started walking down the steps, once I reached

down the stairs, I see Y/n leaning against the counter with her

head in her hands so I walked over and placed my hands on her

shoulders, making her jump. "It's just me baby, tell me what's

going on?" I whispered, she takes a deep breath, turns around

and says "nothing is wrong baby, I'm's just that we have

to get some thing done today, then after that I will be all yours"

she smiles and kisses me then she walks away to get her bag

while I grab my jacket and followed her out the door.

        Few hours later, Dinah, Normani, Y/n and I were finally back

Lauren Jauregui ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now