Worth it

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Part two of Worth a shot


It's been a week since I agreed to go on a date with Hailey, so my date with Hailey is gonna be on Friday and it's barely Thursday, I gotta admit I'm already nervous about it. Also Lauren has been bugging me to go on a date with her instead, and I kept denying her, now I know how it felt when I used to bug her. Anyways everyday she would come up to me and ask me about my night or what my plans are after school, then she would ask me out. I gotta admit though it's cute how she would go through the effort to get me to say yes to her date, she would bring me a rose or bring me lunch and even giving me pet names. I got out of my car and walked inside the school building, as I got to my locker, I started to count down, "5....4....3....2....1" , "good morning beautiful, how you doing today?" said Lauren as she stood beside me, see what I mean?.

"I am doing good Lauren, just like every other day" I responded, "that's good, I brought you some turkey sandwich today, I made it myself" she said as she held out a paper bag, "thank you, but can you stop now?" I said, " oh come on you know you love what I make..besides I enjoy doing this" she said smiling, I chuckled quietly, "yes I do but it's ruining my work out schedule which is during lunch time" I said, "oh...I didn't know that, I'm sorry...but hey I know you have a date tomorrow with...Hailey...I just want to know if you are really sure about it..because she just transferred like two weeks ago and you just-", "are you really worried about my date with her? Or are you just jealous that it's with her instead of you?" I asked as I smirked.

She sighs, " honestly its...it's both because you hardly one another and I really want to go on that 'perfect date ' you always planned for me" she says, I laughed and said "Ok how about this" she looked at me, "since you've been asking me all week and last week...what if you come on this date, you know to keep an eye on me but stay hidden" I suggested. Just when she was about to respond, the bell rang, I got my books and turned back to Lauren, "think about it and then let me know" I said then I walked to class. Soon it was lunch time so I was on my way to the gym when Hailey called my name.

"Hey Hailey what's up? " I asked, "listen do you mind if we moved the date to tonight? Because this morning my family told me that we were going to visit my relatives this weekend and that we're leaving tomorrow " she said, suddenly I felt even more nervous, "o-oh uh, y-yeah sure, to-tonight sounds great" I stuttered, "awesome, I've already got reservations at Apple bees at 7 so be ready by then..bye" she said as she walked away, I looked to my left and see Lauren glaring at Hailey as she walks by her but when she looked back at me, she starts to smile which made me laugh.

"What's so funny?" She says as she walks up to me, " I gotta say, it's fun seeing you get all riled up because of Hailey " I said to her, which made her glare at my playfully, "so have you gotten an answer yet?" I asked as I continued to walk to the gym, "yes, I'll keep an eye on you, plus I got the perfect disguise" she says as she rubs her hands together, I laughed again, "good because the date is tonight at 7, she's got family plans on tomorrow" I said, "ok where's this "date" happening at? " she said, I see her gagging at the word date making me slap her arm, "ow" she pouts, "you had your chance two week ago so suck it up and it's gonna be at Apple bees " I said as I walked away, "keep rubbing that in my face but eventually you're gonna ask me out again!" Lauren shouted as I walked inside the gym.

(Time skip)

It was already 6:30pm and I was a nervous wreck, I was sitting in my living room waiting for Hailey to come pick me up. A few minutes later my phone pinged so I checked it and notice it was from Hailey.

Hails: hey where are you? I'm here at the restaurant already

"You gotta be kidding me" I said as I re-read the message again. Unbelievable I thought to myself, so I texted her back saying that I was on my way. I grabbed my keys said goodbye to my parents and head out to the restaurant. I arrived at the restaurant just in time, so I walked in and looked around until I spotted Hailey in the back booth. "Hey sorry I'm late" I said as I sat down, "you're not late, you're just in time..you look beautiful by the way" said Hailey.

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