Second Chance

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G!p You

Your POV

Lauren and I have been together for four years, I proposed to her three months ago and she said yes, I was so happy. Then we had a wild night after that. A week later, we found out that she was pregnant, which we were so happy about, which leads us to now. It is 8 in the evening and we were watching a movie. Lauren is six months pregnant and looks beautiful, I was not paying attention to the movie instead I'm sitting here thinking how lucky I am to have her in my life. I snapped out of my thoughts when she called my name, "I'm sorry babe, what did you say?" I asked. She giggles and says " I said why are you looking at me like that?" "Because I love you so much and our little one, I just can't wait to become a family" I said. She starts to cry then she says "you can't say things like that to me, you know my hormones are mess up right now", I smiled and got up to hug her, "I'm just telling the truth babe, I'm a lucky person right now" I tell her before giving her a kiss, which she kissed back.

Once the movie was over, we head upstairs to get to rest, after we changed into our Pjs, we got in bed, Lauren put her head on my chest while I wrapped my arm around her and We both went to sleep. I woke up to the sound of Lauren screaming my name, "what is it? what's wrong?" I asked as I jumped out of bed. Then I notice the blood on the sheets, Lauren was hugging her stomach saying that it hurts. So I quickly called her parents to tell them to meets us at the hospital, then I carefully picked her up and went to the car. Once I buckled her in, I quickly ran back into the house to grab the overnight and the keys, then I locked the door behind me. I drove to the hospital as fast as I can, I kept telling Lauren that it's going to be ok, the baby is going to be ok, while she cried and screamed in pain.

We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later, I jumped out of the car and ran to Lauren's side. "HELP ME! MY WIFE NEEDS HELP!" I yelled as I was holding Lauren in my arms, then the nurses came and put her in the wheelchair and ran her to the emergency room. I quickly followed them, then our doctor came in, "what's going on doc?, She's only six months pregnant" I asked, the doctor quickly checked on the baby, after a minute she sighs and says "I don't see a heart beat, I'm sorry you two but the baby is gone" she said. My whole world came crashing down once she said that, I fell in my knees and started crying, "No!!" cried Lauren, I quickly got up and hugged her. Suddenly the door opens and Clara walks in. "What happened?" She asked as she stood by Lauren, "we lost the baby" I cried then she started to cry too.

"We are gonna induce you, so you can push your baby ok?" Said the doctor, Lauren nodded her head and continued to cry. Thirty minutes later the baby came out and it was a boy, Lauren cried when she held him, soon she gave him a kiss and hand him to me, I too started crying hard, I gave him a kiss on his cheek and said "you will always be in my heart Logan y/l/n-Jauregui, mommy and I love you so much". After a while the nurses took him away, Ten minutes later Lauren fell asleep. I got up and went to look for the doctor, once I found her, I said "excuse me Dr. Hamilton, I was wondering if I can have a word with you" , "of course, how can I help you?" She asked. "I was wondering if I can get my son the day after tomorrow, I want to give him a proper burial" I said. She smiled and says "Miss Y/l/n, he's your child, of course you can take him, I'm sorry for your lose". I thanked her and went back to Lauren.

The next day Lauren left the hospital, but she wanted to be alone, I respect her wishes so she went to her parents house. I went to a place where they sold coffins and bought one for my son, then I had his name chiseled on a small gravestone. Soon as I was done, I drove to my secret spot, a place I go to when I want to be alone and talk to my parents. They died last year in a car accident, I had them buried here at my secret spot. Once I got to the place, I walked up the hill and knees to my knees and cried once again. "I lost him mom and dad...I lost my son" I cried, as I looked at their gravestone, "I named him Logan, please look after him for us" after I was done crying, I started to dig a grave beside my parents.

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