It's never too late

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Part two of It's too late

Once Lauren made it to the hospital, she quickly ran inside to the front desk. " in?" she asked between breaths. The lady typed in her computer then she said, "she's in room 727 on the 6th floor" (😂I just had to). Lauren thanked her and quickly ran to the elevator, as the she was going up, she couldn't help but think the worst. "It's all my fault, God I'm so stupid" she said to herself, once the doors opens, she quickly got out and ran down the hall. Once she got to the room, there's was a nurse and a lady standing in front of it, "excuse me, I need to go in the room" said Lauren as she tried to walk past them, but then the male nurse stopped her, "I'm sorry miss, but the person is in surgery right now" he said, "oh do you know a person name Camila Cabello?" She asked, "oh that's me, you must be the girlfriend that I called earlier" said the person beside her.

     Lauren nodded her head, so Camila gave her y/n's stuff in a bag. "Do you know what's wrong with her?" asked lauren, "um I don't know miss, I haven't got the information yet, I'm just getting this room ready for her" said the nurse, "well for what I seen, she didn't look that bad, just a couple scratches" said Camila. Just then the doctor came up to them, "doctor, what's going on? What's wrong with Y/n?" asked Lauren as she approached the doctor, "what's your relation with the patient?" said the doctor, " I'm her girlfriend, she's been living with me for two years now" Lauren responded, the doctor nodded and said "well she's doing great, just a few scratches, no major injuries, she broke her left collar bone and leg which I  reconnected it back, she also had a huge gash on her left side which I stitched up, that's all, she'll be here any minute now" then the doctor went to check on other patients.

    Lauren sighed in relief, knowing that y/n was not badly injured. Soon She sees three nurses bringing y/n into the room, she felt nervous so she sat on the chair for a little while longer. She started to think how y/n would have been fine if she had just told her about the pregnancy. She started to cry because she almost lost the love of her life in a intense car wreck and she blamed herself for it. "Hey, hey, don't cry, she's ok" said Camila as she rubs her back, "no you don't get it, it's my fault that this happen, I shouldn't have broke up with her, if I had just told her that I was pregnant, she would've been fine, I'm so stupid " Lauren cried, "no you're not, you were just scared, scared that she wouldn't want this kid, I felt the same way when I was pregnant with my boyfriend's baby, but you know what he was so happy when I told him, I'm pretty sure she's gonna feel the same way if you tell her, don't let your own fear get in between you two, and congratulations" said Camila.

  Lauren looked at Camila and smiles, "thank you so much Camila" she said, Camila nodded soon she stood up and said "well I gotta go back now to work now, just tell her and it'll be good" Lauren nodded her head, then Camila went back to the ambulance and left the hospital. Lauren got up from her seat, took a deep breath, and walked into y/n's room, her breath hitched when she sees Y/n laying there, sleeping. She slowing walks up to her bed and holds her lover's hand, "hey bug" she says quietly, "listen I'm so sorry, it's my fault that you're in here" she cried softly, "why? Did you tell the trucker to tip his truck in the middle of the free way on purpose?" said y/n, making Lauren jump. Y/n chuckled silently but ended up coughing, Lauren quickly gave her a sip of water from a cup, "no I didn't but-" y/n cuts her off, "then it's not your day so stop it" she said, "I didn't mean to break up with you babe, I was just scared" mumbled Lauren as she looked down.

   Y/n smiled weakly at her and said "lo, you know I always wanted to have a family with you" Lauren lifted her head and looked at her, "how did you know?" She asked, y/n rolled her eyes playfully at her and said, "duh, you left me a message saying that you're pregnant. I was on my way back to you when the accident happened" , "how did you manage to survive in that horrid incident anyway?, I mean you were right in the middle of it?" asked Lauren, "survival instincts baby, I relaxed my body, would've gotten worse if I stiffen up..enough of this now come here" she said as she opened her uninjured arm, Lauren smiled and carefully cuddled up to her boo.

    "Does this mean you forgive me?" asked Lauren , y/n giggled quietly and said "of course baby, we're going have a baby..I'm so happy" y/n than put out her hand on Lauren's tummy and rubbed it, making Lauren smiled even more. "Should we get married?" Lauren blurted out, "nah baby, we're not that old yet" y/n joked making Lauren laugh. "I love you Laur, I would love to marry day but not now" she said, Lauren smiled and kissed her with so much love, "I love you more baby, and I can't wait for that day to come" she said. She carefully put her head on y/n's chest and fell asleep.

(Skip time) one and a half years later

   "Come here little nugget..let's get you cleaned up" said Lauren as she picks up Leo from the highchair, making him giggle. Yes Lauren have birth to a healthy baby boy, y/n named him Leo Randolph Jauregui, Lauren loved it since she was a fan of ninja turtles "" said Leo, "I know sweetie, mama will be home real soon" said Lauren. She went into the bathroom and start the bath, she set Leo on the changing table and begin to undress him.

   A few minutes later Y/n came back home, "babe! I'm home" she said as she set down her stuff and walked upstairs, she hears her girlfriend's laugh coming from the bathroom which made her smile instantly. She opens the door and sees Lauren all soaked, Leo had bubbles on top of his head, when he looked at her, he started clapping his hands, saying "". Y/n walks in and gives her son a kiss on the forehead then she kisses Lauren, "how was your day baby?" she asked Lauren as she picks up Leo from the bathtub, "it was good, work was actually pretty calm,and the boss gave me a month off so I can spend time with you two" said Lauren.

   "Babe, you didn't have to do that" said y/n as she walks into Leo's room, "I know but it just seems like I hardly see you two now, I mean I leave for work at 5am, don't come home until 9pm, and just sleep" said Lauren, following behind. Y/n quickly dressed up Leo and put him in his crib, then she gave him his milk and blanket. "Babe, you're a scientist, but I'm glad he did because I missed you so much" said y/n as she wraps her arms around her neck and kisses her deeply, making Lauren moan a little.

   Y/n pulled away and looked at Lauren, "want to make it up to me?" asked Y/n, Lauren opened her eyes and giggles when she sees y/n wiggling her eyebrows. She kisses her one more time and pulls her out of Leo's room and into theirs. Lauren was so glad that Y/n survive the crash, she thought she was too late to get her lover back but it wasn't. Now they got to live a happy life with their son and hoping to have more, but Y/n wants to get married first before they add more. Hopefully soon.

                                       The End
Here you go
Hope you like it
Until next time ✌❤



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