Alpha and Luna Pt. 6

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"Marry me" she said, I quickly sat up and looked at her, "What?" I said, Lauren smiled and said, "will you marry me?", I smiled widely at her and just when I was about to reply to her, I felt something hit my right shoulder, I looked down and see a dart so I pulled it out and it smelt like Wolf bane, the last thing I heard was Lauren voice before everything went black.

Lauren's POV

I immediately smelt the wolf bane off the dart that Y/n pulled out of her right shoulder, "BABY!!" I screamed when I saw her fall off the bed, I quickly ran by her side. "Ally, come home quickly, Y/n got shot with wolf bane HURRY!!!" I linked to the doctor while I quickly put on some clothes and dressed up Y/n as well before I picked her up and I rushed towards to the Pack Hospital. Thirty minutes later Ally barged into the operation room, "what happened Alpha Jauregui?" she asked as she put on a her gloves, I held onto Y/n slightly cold hands, "I as-asked her to Marry me b-but th-then just when she was about to answer, she got shot in the shoulder with a dart that had wolf bane, please, please save her, please" I pleaded, "Oh my god" Ally exclaim as she ripped opened Y/n's shirt. I looked down and see the veins on her shoulder all black.

"Ally please do something!" I shouted as tears began to comes down my cheeks, "ok, ok, I'm gonna give her a shot to help slow down the wolf bane, than I will start working on an antidote for her" she says as she got out the needle and sticked it on Y/n's right shoulder. "Alright it's done now I'm gonna get to work so excuse me Alpha" said Ally as she left the room. I took hold of Y/n's hand and began to cry my eyes. "Please don't leave me baby, I love you so much and please come back to me" I cried. Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder so out of reflex, I grabbed the hand and twisted it then I stood up and faced that person only to find out that it was my father so I quickly let go out him, "oh my god, I'm so sorry dad, I didn't mean to-" but I was caught off when my dad held out his hand, "it's ok sweetheart, I should've announce myself before I came in here" said my father as he rubbed his wrist. "wha-what are you doing here?" I asked as I wiped the tears from my face, "I heard that the Luna was in trouble so I came" he said as he stood by the bed. Ally. "yeah, she was shoot on the right shoulder with a dart with wolf bane" I said as I stood on the other side of the bed. "Oh dear--did you see who shot the dart?" he asked as he looked at her shoulder, I shook my head and replied, "No, there was no one there, and I didn't smell anything", He sighed and asked, "what did the doctor say?", "she gave her something to slow down the spread and that she's gonna start working on the antidote" I said, "well hopefully it's soon because it doesn't look good, I'll go the elders and see if there's anything that can help with the antidote ok?" he said, I nodded my head then he left me alone with my mate.


(Two Week Later) 3rd person POV

It's been two weeks since Y/n was shot, every wolf knows about now, Ally still hasn't find a cure yet, she kept giving her a shot to slow down the wolf bane and Lauren also found out who shot her, it was a human who was getting attack by rogues, his gun went off when one of the rogues attacked him from the back so it was an accident and the human died that day. "Ally, it's been a week now!! please tell me that you found a cure to help my mate, YOUR LUNA!!" she screamed, "I'm so sorry Lauren, but I haven't make any process yet, there's nothing in the books about a cure" said Ally as she rubbed her temples. After hearing the news, Lauren dropped down on her knees and began to cry, "I can't lose her Ally, I just can't..please don't give up on her" she cried, Ally looked her with sorrow then she carefully wrapped her arms around her Alpha and says, "I will never give up on her Lauren, I'm gonna keep trying" Lauren hugged her back and nodded her head. After she calmed down, she let go of Ally and was about to leave the lab when Ally spoke again, "by the way Alpha...Luna is pregnant" she says which made Lauren spin back around fast, "wh-wha-what?" She stutters, "I took some of her blood samples to see if I can reverse the wolf bane with it, as i was checking the results on the computer, it showed that she is two weeks pregnant, and don't worry the dose I'm giving her isn't harming the baby" said Ally, Lauren's feelings were all over the place after what she heard, happy that she was about to become a mother, sad that Y/n was still in a coma, angry that she was shot with wolf bane, she thanked Ally and went back to Y/n's room.

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