Separate final part

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Epilogue (Six years later)

Lauren POV

  "Thank you everyone for coming out tonight!!! I love you and good night!!" I shouted as I walked off stage. "That was a great show Lauren" said my manager, I smiled and thanked him. "Excuse me Mrs. Jauregui?", I turned around and see a guy standing there, "yeah that's me" I said, he walked up to me and handed me a envelope then he walked off. I looked at the envelope and see just my name on it so I excused myself and went into my dressing room.  A lot has changed these past six years, Fifth Harmony broke up four years ago, Camila, Dinah and I continue singing as solos, Ally got married to a guy name Troy, had a son and now she's a stay at mom, Normani opened up a dance studio back in Texas.

Y/n and I...we're not together anymore...we got divorced six months after we found that she was pregnant with our son Bryan Lee Y/l/n, I wasn't ready for kids so we argued almost everyday until she filed for divorce. Once Y/n gave birth, I was very emotional when I first held him in the baby room, she didn't want me in the room when she was in labor so I stayed in the waiting room. I was in pieces when I got the divorce papers a couple days later, I fought real hard to get her to change her mind but she didn't, so we got divorced and she won full custody of my son.

  Now she's happily married to her best friend Alycia and she's expecting another child. I never got to see my own son grow up, he hardly comes to visit me now. I on the other hand never got remarried again, just been a couple relationships but it never worked, my longest relationship was for two years but she went back to her ex, so now I just focus on my career. But as long as she is happy than I'm happy.


A/n: well here's the final part of separate. I'm sorry it's short
Until next time ✌❤

Still Lauren POV

      I'm just fucking with you. Y/n and I are still very married and very happy, we actually have two boys now. The eldest is Bryan Lee Jauregui, he's 5 years old and our youngest is Evan Michael Jauregui, he's 3 years old, Fifth Harmony did break up like I said from the beginning, Y/n is actually the youngest director now, she won a lot of awards which I am proud of. The kids stay with my mom when we are working, Bryan is in preschool and is one of the brightest kid in his class.

   Which lead us to now, this is my last tour, I've decided to take a break from music world and focus on my family, I've missed a lot of events especially Evan's birthday and y/n and I's 10 year anniversary which upset me. If you are wondering about the envelope that was handed to me awhile ago, it's just a contract stating that I'm leaving the music business, I just have to sign it and give it back to Simon. So once I was done showering, I took out the papers and signed it. I walked out the door, hugged my crew and manger goodbye since this was my last concert, then I went on stage one last time before I fly back home. Thirty minutes later I was back at the hotel, I grabbed my bags, returned my key at the front desk and went to the airport.

(Skip flying)

   I was so happy that I was back in Miami, it was 10 in the morning, when I arrived, before I could walk towards the exit, I was surrounded by my fans, I started signing autographs and take pictures with them. They all told me that they were gonna miss me so much which made me cry a little, once I was done, I started walking towards the door. Just when I was gonna hail a cab I hear a honk so I looked to my left and see my wife and Evan standing there, smiling big with roses in her hands. I started to cry as I ran towards them. " welcome home Mama!!" Evan shouted as I picked him up and giving the biggest hug, "I missed you so much buddy" I said as I kissed him all over his cute face, " mama stop" he giggled so I put him down. I walked up to my wife, picked her up and spin her around, "I missed you a lot more, my beautiful queen" I said then I kissed her, we pulled away breathing heavily, "I miss you more baby" she whispered.

   We got in the car and head back home, "so how's was your last tour?" asked Y/n as she kept her eyes on the road, "it was amazing and emotional at the same time, the fans were in tears when I did my last song" I said, she sighed and said "you don't really have to leave your career babe, I know how much it means to you" I smiled and grabbed her free hand. "You and the boys mean A lot more to me baby, besides it's time to try something new, where I can come home every day" I said, "perhaps you can finally open your very own photography shop like you always wanted" she said, "that's a great idea babe!!, Oh my god why didn't I think of that" I said which made her laugh.

   Six months later I opened up my very own business, "Lauren's photography", which became very successful. I've hired some workers because of how busy it's gotten but at least I come home every evening to my little family which I'm so happy about. The girls and I get together three times a month to catch up on our lives. I sometimes miss touring with them but I wouldn't change anything because I am living a happy life.

The End

I know, I know it sucks :(
Until next time ✌❤


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