Surviving World Z Pt. 2

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   Telling the Cabellos that their daughter died was the most hardest thing I've ever had to do, I had to watch Sofi and Sinu cried hard and Alejandro blaming me and wishing that it was me instead made it even worst. "Get out!, I never want to see you again!!" yelled Alejandro, "I tried to save her but it was too late...there's nothing I could do" I said to him, " wasn't her fault, please don't be mad at her please?"  Sinu said soflty, that's when Alejandro broke down and started crying hard, "I'm so sorry Lauren, I didn't mean to take it out on you, I just can't believe she's dead" he said as he hugged me, "it's ok, you're her dad, you're suppose to take it out on me because I was suppose to protect her and I didn't" I told him, "no, you've protected her for years and you couldn't have possibly see the zombie" he said as he pulled away, I nodded my head as I wiped my tear away. "Thank you for being by her side til the very end, now go home and be with your family" said Sinu, I nodded my head with a smile and left the Cabello house. Once I started walking around, I mindlessly started playing with the bracelet that Y/n lend me which instantly made me smile.

Three months later

    Three months passed and I've started to be happy again, my family and the Cabellos were alive, Chris and I would go out and help find supplies for the camp, and y/n and I starting to get close as well, we actually had a lot of things in common, she also told me that she felt safe around me, and I actually still had her bracelet, every time when I'm out there, I would look at it and smile  because whenever I come back she would run up to me and give me the best hug every but I think it was time to give it back to her so when I came back to camp, I didn't see y/n anywhere  so I started walking to the medic center. "Hola mami" I said as I walked in, " oh sweetheart, what brings you here? " she asked as she wrapped bandages around someone's ankle, "actually I wanted to return something to Y/ she here?" I asked as i looked around for her, "oh no sweetie, she's not..She left at 11" she said, " I'll see later than" I said, "try the training ground, just outside the wall, she usually goes there by herself" she said, Suddenly my protective instinct kicked in so I ran out the door and towards the gates, "I need to get to the training ground" I shouted as I was getting close to the gate, "it's on the left side" said the guard as he opened the steel door. Once I walked out the door, I quickly ran to the training ground, once I got there I see at least two zombies walking towards Y/n, "Y/n!!" I yelled as I quickly got out my guns and shot them in the head, "Lauren what the hell!" said Y/n, that's when I noticed that the zombies were tied around the waist with chains.

"Oh" I said, "this is the training ground Lauren", Y/n laughed, I looked at her and noticed that she was holding mini crossbows, "cross bow?" I asked, " yeah..guns shots makes noise and I'm not good with knives so bows are my speciality " she answered, "um I wanted to give this back to you, I'm sorry I've kept it for a long time" I said as I held out her charm bracelet, "oh I completely forgot about that...has it helped you?" she said as she slowly walked up to me and took her charm from my hand, I gulped when her face was close to mine and said "yeah, it did..thank you", she smiles and walked away like nothing happened, "that's great, I'm proud of mind if you step outside... I want to get better at my shots" she said with her back turned, I smirked and walked behind her, she gasps when I wrapped my arms around her, "maybe I can teach you a few tricks" I said, I smiled as I see her shiver to my raspy voice. Suddenly she turns around in my arms, "what can you possibly know about crossbows?" she whispers , "they're basically like guns and that happens to be my department" I whispered back, then she started trailing her hands up my arms and rested them on my shoulders, making me shudder which made her smirk, "as tempting as that sounds.." She said as we started walking backwards then all of a sudden she pulls away and closes the gate in my face, "perhaps next time and thank you for saving me from the zombies" she said.

   I chuckled and shook my head, "you are something else" I said, she grins and winks at me before she turned and walked away. I couldn't help but smile proudly when I watch Y/n do her training, I think I'm falling for her, I can't help it, the heart wants what it wants. Once she was done, I practically ran and scooped her up and spin her around, making her squeal, "you were amazing" i said as I put her back down, "thank you Lauren" she said as she giggle, "can I take you out on a date?" I blurted out, she looked at me with her eye brows furrowed, "how is that going to work?" she asked, I smirked and said, "don't worry about that baby girl, I got that covered so will you?" , she smiled and nodded her head, my heart flutters every time she smiled at me, I smiled and kissed her cheek, letting it linger, "I'll see you at 4:00 beautiful" I whispered then I walked away.

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