Chapter 38 - ...Before the Storm

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It was raining when Leyla left the office of her therapist. She raised the collar of her coat, looked around and ran to the nearest bus stop. People were huddling in the small space under the roof, trying to avoid getting wet. A few lucky ones were prepared and took out their umbrellas. Leyla looked up at the sky. The clouds were dark and heavy and nothing suggested the rain would stop any time soon. She sighed. Her high heels were soaked and the chill ran up and down her whole body. Some people were impatiently looking at their cell phones and watches – the bus was late.

Her phone rang and with a grunt she fished it out of her bag. Unknown number.

– Halo?

The voice on the other end surprised her.

– Leyla? Hi. It's Ferit. How are you?

– Fine. How are you? – Ferit Aslan used to be a nice childhood memory. Now it was lightly tainted by the failed attempt at career in music. Thank goodness that nonsense was behind her.

– Also well. I have a proposition for you. Could we meet?

– I think so. Where?

–There's this café I think you'll like.

Deren finished putting on her lipstick and once again looked at herself with a critical eye. There was not a hair out of place, her black velvet pants were nicely accentuating her hips and white cashmere turtleneck kept her warm. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. It was an important day for her. Bulut was taking her to meet his mother and she was nervous. Their relationship was still very new, but they were making huge strides in it. Just a few days ago he brought over some of his things to her place and she had a shelf and wardrobe space at his place, too.

– Ready? – He walked in wearing a simple grey sweater and khakis. Deren smiled. When she met him, he was dressed to work at the farm, with dirty wellingtons and unkempt hair. She then saw him in a suit and loved it. But this casual urban style suited him the best.

– I am.

– You look nervous. – He walked up and took her hand.

– I am. I want your mother to like me.

– She will love you. She always wants what's best for me and there's nobody better than you.

– Any advice?

– My mom likes to feed people. The moment you finish from your plate, she'll give you seconds. If you don't want to leave her place bursting, eat slowly. – He laughed.


– Come on. It's getting late.

Sanem stood at the edge of the cliff overlooking the park. The sun was high over the horizon, the animals gathered around the waterhole and the white clouds moved slowly across the sky, pushed by the gentle wind that caressed her bare arms and legs. She closed her eyes and listened. It sang in the tall grass and danced around the trees. The roar of the hippopotamus scared the flock of birds and for the moment the flutter of thousands of wings has taken over the area. Sanem smiled. The birds were free. All her life she was wondering what it was like and now she finally knew.

It was wonderful.

Sanem felt tiny droplets of water land on her face and opened her eyes. She was flying. The ground underneath her was lush green – nothing like the golden grasses of Africa. On the right she saw rocky mountains covered here and there by the greenery. One of them created a background for the tallest waterfall she could've ever imagined. It was so tall, that the water dissipated into a mist before reaching its bottom. Rainbows appeared and disappeared over and over again, as the mist hugged the foot of this mountain. Sanem gasped. Allah has given a little extra care when he created this place.

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