Chapter 18 - ...When You Make Plans

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It was late afternoon when Can finally parked the car in front of his father's house. All day of unpleasant tests wore Sanem out and she dozed off as soon as Can helped her buckle the seat belt. Unfortunately the only thing the managed to learn was that she was not pregnant. Can looked at her and gently pushed hair away from her face.

Sanem felt bad for being happy that they were not expecting, but he didn't blame her. The fact was, he was also glad of that. Yes, he wanted to have a family and on one hand couldn't wait to meet their children. But on the other, he had this nagging feeling that it wasn't the time yet. There were still things they wanted to do and for a while longer he wanted to have Sanem all to himself – no kids, no parents, no friends... Just the two of them and the entire world to see.

Sanem stirred and opened her eyes.

– Hey. – Can smiled and took her hand. – We're home. Come on.

He got out and circled the car to open her door.

– Leave me here. I want to sleep. – She turned her back on him as much as she could in the front seat of Aziz's Ford Focus, but Can was already pulling her out. Begrudgingly she obliged.

– You'll sleep in a minute in our bed. – He locked the car and in a swift move picked her up. – Let's go, my sleeping beauty.

Mihriban opened the door for them and immediately asked what was wrong.

– She's just exhausted. – Can assured her. – They ran a few intrusive tests and now she just crashed.

– Tests?

– I'll tell you in a minute.

He carried Sanem to their room, which was opposite to the one Emre and Leyla took. Most of it was taken by a double bed covered with emerald-green sheets. The walls were brown, but thanks to the big window taking up half the wall, the room didn't feel small. Quite the opposite – it seemed spacious and airy. Can put Sanem on the bed, took off her shoes and pulled a cover on her. Then he leaned in and kissed her forehead. She didn't stir.

A few moments later he walked into the kitchen where Mihriban was preparing tea and supper. The kitchen was very similar to the one in their old home in Istanbul. The cabinets were white and counter tops black. Fridge stood opposite the window and the sink. The island taking the majority of the space was now covered with tomatoes, onions, knives, pots and all kinds of spices. His father was nowhere to be seen.

– How is she? Is she pregnant? – Mihriban asked all the while chopping onions.

– No. Doctor Janssen performed EGD, they took blood samples and falan filan. We'll get results tomorrow.

– Did she say what she suspects?

– No, but she has some idea. – He took a spoon and began mixing tomato sauce, while Mihriban chopped garlic. – The results should be in tomorrow. She put a rush order on them. Where's dad?

–With Emre on the back patio. 

Can didn't answer. For a few minutes they cooked in silence. The water for pasta was boiling, the sauce was ready and when Can finished chopping cucumbers, Aziz walked into the kitchen.

– So, my lion. When am I gonna be a grandpa? – He was smiling, but both Mihriban and Can sensed it wasn't entirely genuine.

– Not for a while, baba. What's wrong? – Can put aside the knife and turned to his father. His old man has already demonstrated he wasn't above hiding his problems, but Can hoped this time it won't be the case. Aziz sighed.

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