Chapter 28 - Sorry, Not Sorry

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It's been a rough morning. Can woke up long before the sunrise, still sitting on the floor of their bedroom. Sometime during the night Sanem put her head on his lap and now slept in a fetal position. She didn't look peaceful, she didn't have that faintest of smiles she usually had on her lips when she was dreaming. He sat for a moment stroking her tangled hair and thinking. His girl always had a problem with Polen and he knew that. The fact she was sneezing every time they were close amused him to no end, but the truth was he didn't really get it. Polen was just a friend, even when they were officially together he perceived her more like a friend-with-benefits type of relationship. He respected her but never loved her and she knew that. So did Sanem. 

But the way Polen jumped on Sanem last night... It bothered him. This shouldn't have happened. Polen crossed the line. Can sighed. At least she finally accepted he'd never be with her.

He didn't know how long he sat like this, with Sanem's head on his lap, but by the time he gently picked his wife up to put her on the bed the sun was already up. He checked the clock – it was past seven. Sanem usually woke up around six. The crying must've worn her out. He shook his head, pulled the cover on her and quietly left the room.

Sanem woke up to the smell of tea. She tried opening her eyes, but they were stinging. Cold water didn't really help with that, just like it didn't help with the puffiness, but at least her vision wasn't blurry anymore. She rubbed her face as she walked back to the bedroom and finally noticed a glass of tea on the night table. Can must've brought it earlier, but it was lukewarm now. Sanem looked around. She remembered crying herself to sleep in his arms, so he must've moved her to the bed. She looked out through the window. The sky cleared and the wind chased away the clouds. In the autumn sun the water drops on the leaves and in the grass sparkled like diamonds. She smiled. It was a new day and whatever happened last night didn't matter. Polen didn't matter. She was in the past and even if she popped up every now and then, she was not important.

"They were together for three years. Sure she's important."


"You know I'm right. Three years, girl."

– Long distance. They met a couple times a year. – Sanem began arguing with herself. She was determined not to give into the jealousy and insecurity again. She trusted Can. – That can hardly be called a relationship.

"Keep telling yourself that."

– Shut up!

Sanem grabbed the tea and as she left the bedroom, she heard Can speaking with someone in the living room. He was sitting on the couch with his back turned to her. Sanem didn't mean to listen, but she didn't want to interrupt either so she stopped by the entrance and waited.

– But Can, I don't understand. – Polen's face took the entire screen of the laptop and her voice played on Sanem's nerves. – Yesterday we were fine. Did Sanem make you say this? Because if she did...

– Sanem didn't make me do anything. – Can interrupted her mid sentence. – I'm a grown man and she's not a spoiled little girl demanding things. This is my decision.

– I don't understand. – She repeated.

– I always considered you a friend, always told Sanem you were special, that you've been by my side whenever I needed that.

– You've done the same for me, so...

– I'm not done. – He raised his hand to stop her. Polen looked like she was on the verge of tears. – I hoped that with time you and Sanem could become friends, or at least friendly, but I see that will not happen. You've belittled her,mocked her and yesterday you spoke to her like you have any right to comment on our relationship. I should've put an end it a long time ago.

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