Chapter 42 - Welcome To The Concrete Jungle

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Mevkibe was sitting in the kitchen alone. It was way past midnight and she was making sarma. The fridge was full but she couldn't sleep and needed to occupy her hands with something. The video call from this morning still played in her head.

Leyla came home very early, saying Sanem send her a text asking that the family gathers. Half an hour later Mevkibe, Leyla and Nihat were sitting by the computer, listening to Can and Sanem explaining to them, step by step, how Hüma manipulated the entire Yiğit situation. It was truly Machiavellian what she did and Mevkibe could feel her blood pressure rising. To think that she opened the door of her house for that woman!

– Mevkoş, what are you doing? – Nihat stood by the door in his striped blue and white pajamas, trying to remove crust from his eyes. He was not used to being up solate in the night. – Come to bed.

– I can't, Nihat. I am too angry. – She got up and poured her husband a glass of tea. It wasn't hot anymore, but still warm enough to chase away the night's chill. Her husband sat opposite her and bit into sarma. It was delicious. – I want to call that witch and tell her what I think about her. What mother does that to her child?!

– I know, but we can't. Can asked us not to warn her.

– You think he'll really do it?

– What? Report her?

Evet. She is his mother, after all. – Mevkibe grabbed the last leaf from the bowl and scowled. She has made too much stuffing and yes, it could wait in the fridge till she buys more vine leaves in the morning, but the fridge really was full. With a sigh she pushed the bowl with the stuffing towards her husband. Nihat's eyes sparkled with joy as he grabbed the spoon.

– It didn't stop her. – He said between spoonfuls. – Why should it stop him? I'm sure it's not gonna be easy, but he'll do it.

– And what about Emre? – Mevkibe finished wrapping and got up to wash her hands. – He's been closer with Hüma than Can.

– I'm sure he will not excuse her behavior.

– Not what I mean. – She cleared the table and for a moment contemplated washing the dishes. Finally she just put the bowls in the sink and filled them with water. Washing up will have to wait till morning. – He's been doing so well in the rehab. What if this pushes him back?

– That's why it's good he's still in Switzerland. There are professionals there. They will help him.

Mevkibe sighed and put away the dish with sarma. It landed in the fridge between eggs and milk. Her first instincts about Hüma turned out to be right after all, unfortunately. And about Yiğit too. It's her own damn fault she allowed the two of them to pull wool over her eyes. It will never happen again.

Tamam, Nihat. If you're done, let's go to sleep. The store won't open itself in the morning.

Leyla was tossing and turning in her bed, desperate to fall asleep. Nothing was helping. She tried drinking warm milk, running around the house, she tried counting the sheep and listening to a sleep story, but after nearly three hours she was still wide awake. She suspected her parents were up, too, but didn't want to call in case she was wrong. Earlier this evening she spoke to Emre and everything she told him about Hüma and Yiğit visibly crushed him. Her husband wasn't blind to the type of person his mother was, but this was way beyond anything he would've ever expected from her.

– Are you alright? – Leyla asked him gently.

– I cannot believe it. – He rubbed his face. – All my life she would indirectly show me she loved Can more than me and now this?! It's ridiculous.

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