Chapter 3 - I saw you...

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Sanem was seething. She barely remembered to put on her shoes, before storming out of the house with albatross poster in her hand. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Melihat sitting in the window, eating a cake and watching the street. "Always looking for the next gossip" Sanem thought bitterly and turned around. Emre just left the house with her suitcase. He stopped for a moment and put on his jacket.

– Leyla called Can. He's on his way.

– I was going to catch a taxi, but tamam. – She didn't look at him, but she did grab her suitcase and started walking towards the main street.

– Sanem, wait. – Emre caught up with her a moment later. – He asked me to stay with you until he comes.

– I'll be fine. Go back inside.

– No. My brother would kill me if I left you alone at night. – He smiled, hoping to calm her down a little.

But Sanem didn't look back. The echo of her footsteps resonated through the mahalle and within a couple of minutes Melihat was knocking on the Aydın's door. But Sanem didn't see that. She reached the main street and stopped on the pavement by the low stone wall. She was quiet, absentmindedly petting one of the many cats that made this area their home.

– You packed fast. – Emre tried to lighten the mood. – I wish Leyla could do that, but it takes her hours to decide which suitcase to take.

Sanem finally looked at him and smiled faintly.

– She always considers what she might need. When we were kids and I forgot something, she always had it.

Emre walked up to her and took her hand. In the last year he got to love his new sister-in-law and only wanted what was best for her. Taking her to the clinic with Nihat baba was one of the toughest things he had to do in recent years. And yet there was something he had never done and today she made him realize it.

– Sanem... – He took a deep breath and spoke. – I never truly apologized for what I'd done to you. I apologized to Leyla and my brother, I apologized to my father, but I never said it to you. I'm sorry. I was wrong. I was jealous of Can and ambitious and I used you, the most innocent person I've ever met. It was unforgivable and yet I hope you will forgive me.

Sanem looked at Emre. She didn't pull her hand from his, but she didn't smile either.

– I've forgiven you a long time ago. – She said and paused. – For myself. But we both know that when you apologized to Can after your accident, it was a lie. So no, you did not apologize to Can. And I think you should. You ought to tell him about your deal with Fabri, that it was you who put Aylin in the agency.

Emre let go of her hand and looked down. He was clearly uncomfortable.

– You figured it out?

– I didn't have to. You told me, remember? "I brought Aylin to the agency and I can make her go. But you have to disappear from my brother's life for good." – She quoted. – My memory may be photographic, but when somebody tries to blackmail me, I remember what they say pretty well too. – She didn't sound mad anymore. She sounded sad and her voice trembled. She rubbed her arms. Now that her anger subsided, she felt the cold of the night. Emre was trying to figure out what to say, when Can stopped right next to them and got out of the car. He didn't even close the door. Sanem pushed herself from the wall and fell into his embrace.

– Sanem, are you all right? – He asked. – Your sister didn't tell me what happened, just that I have to come.

She didn't speak, just shook her head and hugged him tighter. He was here. Now everything will be okay. Sanem felt tears in her eyes.

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