Chapter 31 - Healing and Protection

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Can was sitting on the patio, looking at the rare stars glimpsing from behind the heavy rain clouds. Maria's words were weighing on his heart and occupying all his thought to the point where he couldn't sleep. It's been three days since they came back to Amsterdam and he still didn't tell Sanem about it. She was a little superstitious and he didn't want to worry her. He reached to the pocket on his chest and took out a small, red, velvet pouch. In it he felt the long shape of the black tourmaline – a protective crystal that Maria told him would help keep the dark shadows away. He was supposed to give it to his wife, but...

Well, he just didn't believe it. Maria's words, as haunting as they were, were just that – words. He removed the crystal from the pouch and took a better look. It was a piece no longer than 4 centimetres long, shiny and smooth on the three sides, but porous on the fourth. He would've loved to just put it in the drawer and forget about it, but he knew it was impossible. With a sigh he got up and found his father's tool box. Once upon a time he made a ring which Sanem still wore. Now it was time for something else.

Sanem sat on the bed. She just finished talking to Ayhan and her head was spinning. Her best friend couldn't stop talking about the world of celebrities even for a moment. She bragged about her new buddies – the TV stars that Osman introduced her to, about the parties and how everyone was kind and so sincere. Sanem was happy for Ayhan, but she wished her friend asked just once how she was feeling. That never happened. What did happen, however, was Sanem realizing something.

Ayhan was no longer her friend. She was an acquaintance. Once upon a time they were like sisters, but the distance and different experiences caused them to grow apart. Their talks were no longer personal or from the heart. Now they were limited to who Ayhan had met or what Sanem has seen. They were talking less and their conversations were getting shorter. One day, maybe not that far away in the future, the phone will stop ringing – on both sides.

Sanem sighed and shook her head. This should've hurt more, but it didn't. It's like her heart already knew what her head only just realized. Sometimes people grow apart and it's nobody's fault. Sometimes you learn from one another all that you can, you gain perspective and you move on. This made her sad. She truly believed Ayhan will always be there. Perhaps she should try harder after all? 

Her phone buzzed and she checked the reminder. It was the last day of antibiotics. Tomorrow is her check up and if everything is fine in a few days her and Can will be setting sails again.

– Thank Allah. – She whispered.

Metin parked his car right in front of the main entrance of the B&W Café, where he was supposed to meet with his client. It was rather late for a business meeting, but the man insisted the matter was urgent, so he agreed. The café was closer to his home than the office, so when the man suggested meeting here, he happily obliged. He managed to find a table in the corner, far from the counter and from the entrance, that would give them a bit of privacy. The waitress came right away and took his order. She looked tired and when she stopped by to prepare his coffee, Metin noticed she massaged her left calf with her right foot. Her heels were definitely not made for hours of walking and he just shook his head.

He liked this place – it was very minimalistic, with white walls and furniture. The floors and curtains were black, creating a crisp, clean space. Here and there big potted plants introduced a splash of color. He looked up to the chandelier. He really liked it – it was big with lots of glass tear-drops hanging from the steel hoop. The light passed through them and cast tiny rainbows all over – a one whimsical detail in otherwise very conservatively looking place.

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