Chapter 47 - Into The Woods

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A gigantic headache woke Sanem up. She felt as if her eyes were about to explode and when she tried opening them, the light nearly blinded her. Something was very wrong. Her entire body was humming, as if she was sitting on a washing machine or a loudspeaker. She felt pressure on her ears and raised her hand to check it. Headphones with a mic. Once again Sanem tried to open her eyes, this time slower, squinting and covering them with her hand. As she's gotten used to the light, a picture formed in front of her – vast forests covered in white snow, lakes and... clouds. This finally sobered her up. She was on a plane.

– You're awake. Good.

Yiğit's voice sounded in her earphones and she flinched. The plane was small, there were only two of them in it.

– Yiğit? Where are we?

– Almost where we're supposed to be. And don't bother trying to look for your cellphone. – He added, noticing her checking her pockets. – You dropped it by the hotel, remember?

– Yiğit, take me back. Now! – Sanem barely kept the panic out of her voice. – Can must be looking for me.

– He won't find you. – Her old boss looked at her. – Don't worry. You're safe. The Wicked King will never hurt you again.

"What the hell?"

The inner voice seemed as confused as Sanem herself.

– Hurt me? Can has never hurt me. He loves me. He's my husband!

– We'll deal with it when you're ready. He's got you so worked up that you see the reality as he wants you to see it, not as it is. – He checked the altimeter and adjusted the course.

– You're the one who doesn't see the reality. – Sanem snapped back. – You pretended for over a year that Can hurt you! You'd separated us and had taken advantage of me.

– Is that what he told you? – Yiğit hissed. – That I had taken advantage of you? It's worse than I thought. Sanem, despite of what Can Divit told you, you need me.

Agent Kim finished the call and walked back to agent Norton. They were discussing something, their voices low. Can didn't pay attention to them. He was sitting in the back of the car, staring at the piece of tourmaline from Sanem's bracelet. Maria's words echoed in his head. "There's a dark shadow following her. Death has taken an interest." The pressure on his heart was slowly becoming unbearable.

His cellphone rang, snapping him back to reality. Within seconds both agents were standing next to him, waiting to see who was calling.

– It's my brother, Emre. – Can checked the caller ID and rubbed the back of his neck. He didn't want to answer, but it wasn't the first time Emre called. He already had 3 unanswered calls from him and two from Leyla. – He's in Switzerland... No, wait. He should be back in Turkey by now. I should take it.

The agents nodded and gave him some privacy.

– Emre, how are you?

Abi, it's good to hear you. Too busy to answer? – The younger Divit's voice was joyful. – I was beginning to think you two decided to cut us off and never return home.

– Things happened. – Can said, hoping he sounded normal. He knew he should tell Emre about Sanem and Yiğit, but the vice on his heart held strong and wouldn't let him talk. – How are you feeling being back home?

– Amazing. I feel like for the first time in months I can see all the colors. I know it sounds stupid...

– No, no. – Can hid the tourmaline piece and grabbed the moonstones. – I understand. And I'm really happy for you, little bro. How's Layla?

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