Chapter 13 - Old patterns

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Leyla woke up before five in the morning alarmed by a weird feeling. She turned to Emre, but he was sleeping soundly, snoring from time to time. She sighed and covered her eyes with her hands. She was never the one to wake up before the alarm clock went off, that was always Sanem's thing. She didn't like it, she decided. And now her body was sending her signals which her mind didn't know how to interpret. She tossed and turned for a few minutes, but sleep didn't come. Instead she felt something warm spreading between her legs. As she sat up and turned on the lamp on the nightstand, a cold chill ran through her whole body and fear grasped her heart.

She was bleeding.

"Canem" was gone.

Sanem looked at the empty space by the pier completely shocked. In an instant all the strength she had disappeared. Can's wedding band, which she held in her hand, seemed to be burning her palm, leaving a mark. Her breath caught and a small whimper escaped her lips.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. They were supposed to live happily ever after, like in the fairy tales. They defeated Orion's jealous brother, they faced the snakes and their own demons and they've won. The captain came back to his bride, the fisherman found the goddess... It was going to be different now. They were supposed to fly together forever, like the two albatrosses, who finally found each other and would never separate. He couldn't have left her again. This couldn't be it.

She felt someone's hand on her shoulder and turned around.

- Sanem, what are you doing here? - Can looked at her clearly confused. - Why are you at the marina?

- Can? - Sanem hesitated just for a second before hugging him tightly. - Can, you didn't leave. You're here... - She smiled, when he returned the hug.

- Of course I didn't leave. - Her husband seemed genuinely confused. - Why would you think I did?

Sanem pulled away and when Can reached out to fix her hair, she stopped him.

- Why? Maybe because when I woke up you were gone? Maybe because you took all your things? - Now that he was standing before her, anger boiled her blood. - Maybe because you didn't answer your phone?! Maybe because "Canem" is gone?! - She pointed in the direction of an empty spot. - Or maybe because I found your wedding band on the floor?! - She held the ring right in front of his face. The accusatory tone of her voice cut him deep.

- Birtanem, it's all a misunderstanding.

- Misunderstanding? - She was indignant. - Misunderstanding?! - Frustration got the best of her and she punched Can in the shoulder. - I'm gonna kick you in your misunderstanding!

Can barely controlled his laughter. Sanem was furious and he knew better than to provoke her, but her threat and the punch he barely felt were funny. Besides the way she blanked out last night still frightened him.

- Okay, tamam. Calm down. Please, don't cry. - He grabbed her fist and with the other hand gently stroked her cheek, wiping away the tears. - I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. - He said, when she finally relaxed. - I was angry and needed to blow off some steam. I swear I thought I'd be back before you've woken up.

Sanem was still shaking. Right now, looking at her husband, she realized one thing. No matter how many times Can promises he will never leave her again, this fear she had was so deeply-seated, rooting it out will take years. Once again she hugged him. She needed to feel him close, she wanted to climb on him and never let go.

- Sanem? - When she didn't respond, he hugged her tighter and in a typical Can manner, stroke her hair. - Please, calm down. I was at the gym. The receptionist told me where the nearest 24/7 one was and that's where I went. I needed some time to think.

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