Chapter 39 - Secret Stash

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– Sanem, come on, pick up.

Layla was pacing around the hospital waiting room. Her phone battery was nearly dead, but Sanem still wasn't answering. Eventually she gave up and send a text. A moment later her mother came back from the rest room. She was nervously shaking water off her hands.

– Did you talk to your sister?

– No. She's not answering. I send her a message.

– Damn this trip of hers. She's never here when we need her. – Mevkibe was angry. – She's forgotten about her own family. It's not how I raised her! She should be here!

Annem, calm down, please. – Leyla embraced Mevkibe, trying to comfort her. – You cannot blame her. She doesn't know what's going on. You know she would be here if she could.

– I know, I know. I'm just nervous. – Mevkibe sat down, put a hand on her chest and started breathing heavily. This much stress was not good for her. She already felt migraine coming. Leyla sat down next to her and patted her hand. She was about to say something, when the doctor came and they both immediately stood up.

 – Mrs Aydın, I have good and bad news. Good news is that your husband is awake and you'll be able to see him in a few minutes.

– And bad? – Mevkibe feared the worst.

– His diabetes is out of control. We have to keep him in the hospital for a few days to get it sorted. – The doctor looked at Mevkibe sternly. – Your husband's not following his diet. His hyperglycemic. Frankly speaking, it's a miracle he's not in a coma.

– Doctor bey, I make sure he eats properly. – Mevkibe felt a blush coming to her cheeks. Nobody has ever questioned her skills as the homemaker and the fact she cared for her family. – He's not getting any sugar, I prepare only what the dietician allowed.

– That means your husband has a secret stash. – Doctor pinched the top of his nose. – It's childish, but unfortunately very common, especially when the patient is a man. Women usually take their health more seriously. I suggest when you get home, you check every nook and cranny. I guarantee you'll find some hidden chocolate & snacks.

Mevkibe nodded terrified with what she's found out. Nihat was endangering his life for some chocolate? This couldn't be true.

– Thank you, doctor. – Leyla put an arm around her mother.

– He's in the room 0251. Should you have any questions, don't hesitate to call me. I wish him speedy recovery.

Nihat was lying in bed, his eyes closed, hiss breathing even. He was asleep. Leyla checked her phone – still no word from Sanem. Mevkibe sat next to her husband and took his hand. Neither of them said a word.

Emre put on his scarf and coat. Today for the first time since coming to the clinic he's been given permission to go out and he couldn't wait to be among the people, get a drink... No, scratch that. No drinking, unless it's water. But the conversation with somebody else, who's not doctor Mills, sounded amazing.

– Ready, herr Divit? – A portly nurse with very impressive mustache stood at the door with a clipboard and a pen. His thin hair reminded Emre of the soft down feathers that covered nestlings. He tried not to stare, but that has proven to be a problem.

– I'm ready.

– Sign the form, bitte. – The man gave Emre a pen. – You need to be back by ten in the evening. Upon your return you will be tested for alcohol consumption. The next phase of your treatment will depend on the results.

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