Chapter 14 - Öff...

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– Tell me again why we're doing this? – Sanem whined as Can pulled her by the hand to the Caffè Florian on the Piazza San Marco.

– Because your publisher asked you to and because you begged me to after those people hounded your family.

– I changed my mind.

– Too late. – Can pulled a chair for Sanem and then sat next to her.

Within a heartbeat waiter came to offer them menus. This was the oldest café in Europe and the prices certainly reflected it. Sanem was taken aback. She'd love to try a few desserts and pastries, but those prices...

– Hungry? – Can asked with a tiny smirk.

– Always. – She looked at him with a smile and whispered. There was a very sophisticated couple sitting at the next table.

– Order what you want.

Sanem looked at the desserts' menu again and hesitated. Did she want ice-cream or chocolate cake? Maybe she could ask for cake with the side of ice-cream? And cappuccino. She wanted to try the real, Italian made, but despite being here for two days already, she still hasn't done that.

–Excuse me. – A young woman approached them. She was blond, slim and lookedtired. – Sanem hanım and Can bey, am I right? I'm Pinar from "Hello"magazine. I'm sorry for tardiness. My plane was delayed. – She sat down, tookout her recorder and hit the red button. – Let's begin our interview.

Emre was looking at Leyla. She was still asleep after the surgery but when she wakes up, he will have to explain to her what happened. She was very pale and dark circles marked her eyes, but she was here, she was alive and that was the only thing that mattered. After the doctor clarified the situation, he left the family to process the news. Mevkibe anne was crying and Nihat baba was barely holding it together, but still made sure his wife felt his support.

It seemed like hours passed in the somber silence, when suddenly Mevkibe reached for her handbag.

– We need to call Sanem. She must come back right now – she said, taking out her phone. – Leyla needs her.

Evet,you're right. – Nihat immediately concurred. In times like this family shouldstick together. Emre stayed silent as his in-laws dialed.

– See? It wasn't that bad. – Can and Sanem said goodbye to the reporter, who was in a hurry to catch a plane back to Istanbul. They stayed in the café a little longer to enjoy the lovely day.

– No, it wasn't. – Sanem smiled when Can reached out and wiped cappuccino foam off her lips. The memories of a snowy mountain came to her mind. – So, what are our plans for today?

– I think we could set off and maybe go to Greece? What do you say? – He reached for the wallet just as Sanem's phone started ringing. – I think you'd love the ruins in Athens.

Tamam.– She smiled, answering video call. – Aziz baba, how are you?

– I'm very good, my child. – Her father-in-law was as always smiling. – Enjoying the weather. Summer in Holland isn't as warm as in Turkey, but I consider it a plus. Is Can with you?

– Of course.

– Hi, dad. – Can leaned in so his father could see him.

– My boy. You two look great. I saw the pictures from yesterday's gala. Congratulations, Sanem, dear. We are very proud of you.

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