Chapter 54 - You've Got Mail!

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Dear CeyCey,

I'm so sorry I didn't write you back sooner. I meant to, really. The time just slipped away and here we are, almost a month later. The last time we spoke Can and I were in Canada standing on a glacier. I remember those views so vividly. The ice was so clear it had a blue hue. Can has taken so many photographs there, I swear, he could organize another gallery exhibition with just glacier photos.

A few days later we went further north and managed to see the polar bears. They were so amazingly beautiful and so powerful. I should've been scared but I wasn't. I wanted to get closer, but our guide wouldn't let me. Shame.

Anyway, since then we've returned to the USA. Mark and Yun were kind enough to let us stay with them for a few nights in NYC and then Can took me around the country. I saw the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone Park. And we've been in Las Vegas. I lost SO MUCH money I still feel ashamed. You would hate it there, CeyCey. That city is so loud and so crowded, Istanbul looks like a quaint little town in comparison, and I know you find Istanbul too much, sometimes. I have to admit that after six months on the sea, I'm not so keen on crowds either. And we went to Hollywood, too. I don't know how people have photographs with that huge sign and have it look like they are all alone there. When we went, there was a whole crowd! But the view was spectacular.

Can had to change a bit our travel plan, because we had to stay in the States longer than he intended to. The prosecutor was waiting for the results of Yiğit's psych evaluation and said that if he's deemed in possession of his mental capacities, I'm gonna have to testify in person, which is a bummer. And that's how we got to today. This morning we woke up in our cozy little cabana in Hawaii (Can taught me to surf and I almost drowned!) and now we're on a plane back to New York. Three independent psychiatrists said that at the time of kidnapping Yiğit was sane. He planned the whole thing fully aware of the situation. It was only after he had me, his mind gave in and he sunk into his delusions. He's been in psych ward since he was released from the hospital and apparently is back to himself. Which means he will stand in front of the judge and will end up in prison. Well, not stand - sit. In a wheelchair.

CeyCey, I am both relieved and scared. I don't want to see him again. I know he can't hurt me, even if he wanted to. Besides, he's paralyzed for life. But the memories are horrible and I still have nightmares. I'm trying to hide it, but I think Can knows.

My dear friend, please, write back. Tell me about something good. How are Deren and Bulut's wedding preparations going? Are you working on any new, interesting campaigns in the agency?

Big hugs!


PS: Can says "Hi, CeyCey!" 😊


Selam, Sanem!

We heard about Yiğit. The whole agency is gossiping about it! These new people, I'm telling you, are worse than Güliz! If it weren't for me and Muzzo, nothing here would've been done. Deren hanım is so focused on her wedding, that we're basically doing all the work. Today a messenger brought a huge bouquet of roses and Deren hanım thought it was for her but it wasn't. It was for Lalam! Can you imagine?! Oh, right. You don't know Lalam. Lalam is our new creative director. Well, not so new anymore, she started a week after your wedding. Anyway, she's pretty, has long dark hair and you will never believe who she's dating.

Metin bey! They're holding hands in the office and doing other things. One time your sister caught them kissing in Lalam's office and gave her a stern talking to. The whole agency talked about it for days!

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