Chapter 52 - Song in the Heart

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Leyla was chopping some carrots in the kitchen. The air smelled of chicken roasting in the oven. It's been a while since she stopped kidding herself that she's a vegetarian. Vegetables were her preferred food, but ever since she ate bread with fish with Emre during what she called their first date, she found herself drawn more and more to the animal products. For a while she hated it, but now she accepted the fact that se was, in fact, a carnivore. Emre was working on his laptop by the kitchen table. They have already found their rhythm after his return home. In the morning he made coffee while she prepared breakfast. In the afternoons she made dinner and he usually finished work or had an on-line therapy session. Leyla kept telling him to have them in their bedroom behind closed door, but Emre refused.

– It's my way of taking responsibility. – He'd say and kiss her on the cheek.

The radio quietly played romantic songs and Leyla caught herself singing along. It's been a while since that happened.

Sevgilim? – Emre called her. – Can send an e-mail.

– What did he say? How's my sister?

– Doing fine. She was released from the hospital yesterday. They're gonna stay in Canada for a couple of weeks.

– That's nice. – She wiped her hands and threw the carrots into the pot. – And what about Yiğit?

– Can didn't say. – Emre closed the laptop. – Knowing him, he'll be avoiding the subject as much as possible.

– Can't say I blame him. – She poured coffee into two mugs and sat next to her husband. – After everything...

Leyla's phone chirped, interrupting her and announcing an incoming text message.

– Let me guess – Emre smiled. – Mevkibe anne?

– No. It's Ferit. He wants me to turn the radio on.

A moment later radio host introduced a new single. Leyla's heart sped up. It was the song she helped Ferit record not that long ago. She thought it would be months before it's released. Gentle sound of an acoustic guitar filled the air. A few bars later a piano joined in along with a bass. Raspy male voice began singing words of love and loss.

Emre listened carefully to the lyrics and a wave of jealousy hit him hard. How dare this guy ask his wife to listen to a love song? What the hell was he thinking? And why did Leyla look so happy? He was about to say something when the chorus began and he heard her voice. Soft at first, but gaining strength and momentum with each verse. It ringed true with emotions.

– Leyla? Is that you? – He asked half surprised, half mesmerized.

– Yes. Ferit asked for my help and I agreed.

Sevgilim, this is amazing. – Emre got up and took Leyla's hand. He pulled her closer and began to sway. – Does that mean you want to try singing career again?

– No. I just helped out an old friend.

– Ouch! – Emre winced.

– I'm so sorry! I'm forever gonna step on your toes, it seems. – Leyla took a step back, but Emre pulled her in and began swaying again.

– I'm OK with that.

Can looked at his phone. Agent Norton promised to update him on the status of Yiğit's extradition to the States, but so far there were no news. He looked at Sanem sleeping in the bed next to him and smiled. After she's been released from the hospital, they decided to stay in Canada for a few more days. It was not in his original plan, but since they were already here... One has to be flexible. Mark and Lee promised to check up on Canem and pay any additional fees to the marina, so that was taken care of, but he still had to figure out what to do here. It was late January, whale watching was off the table for another three months, but there were still polar bears, dogsledding, aurora borealis and lots of other amazing things to see. He slowly pushed the covers off of himself and sat up. Woolen rug tickled his feet and protected him from the cool wooden floor. He grabbed the backpack from the chair standing by the window and went back to bed. Sanem stirred but didn't wake up. Can pushed the hair away from her face and kissed her forehead. In the hospital she was getting painkillers and something for sleep each day. Now it was only Ibuprofen and lemongrass tea. It helped her fall asleep, but didn't hold the dreams at bay. This night she woke up a couple of times, sweaty and terrified and all he could do was to hug her tight and assure her she was safe. Can hated feeling helpless. Dark thoughts and "what ifs" plagued his mind.

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