Chapter 9 - Just feel...

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Can smoothly took the boat out to the sea while Sanem was still waving goodbye to her family standing at the pier. In the very last moment she noticed Bulut running up to them but her mind was already occupied with something else. She looked around. From now on this boat will be her home. This is where she'll spend her days and nights. It wasn't large and the bed was no bigger than the one she had in her parents' house. But she and Can slept there together quite comfortably, so this should not be a problem here either.

"It's good enough for sleeping, but what about other things?" – her Voice went back to teasing her again.

Sus. Nobody asked you.

"Girl, I am you. You weren't ashamed to spy on Can when he was under the shower and now you get coy? You're such a mess."

– Shut up, I said! I'm not listening to you.

"You're thinking about tonight, aren't you?"

– I'm ignoring you.

"You're no fun."

Sanem walked up to Can and put her arm around his waist.

– So, KapCan, where are we going first? – she asked, her head gently lying on his shoulder.

– Venice. My wife has an award to collect. – He smiled. – But we have one more stop to make before that.

– Where?

– It's a surprise. – Can smiled slyly and kissed the top of Sanem's head. A feather from her headpiece tickled him on the nose. – Have a sit and maybe take those shoes off. I can't imagine them being comfortable.

– They're not, but Asli insisted. – Sanem sat down, took off the high heels and massaged her calves. – She gave me her friend's phone number in Venice. He'll have something for us for the gala. – Can nodded but didn't answer. He was looking at the horizon absentmindedly.

"He's thinking about tonight." – Sanem's voice decided to reappear once again. "He's probably glad you're on this boat and have nowhere to run."

– I told you to be quiet. – Sanem whispered under her breath, turning her head away from Can. He knew about her Voice, of course, but she remembered how on the rocks he said he fell in love with a crazy person. And even though he wasn't "her" Can back then, she still felt a little self-conscious about it.

"As if you wanted to run..."


– Talking to your voice? – Can noticed his wife speaking to herself again. – Tell her to leave, cause we want to be alone. – The boat rocked a bit, when he gently turned the steering wheel.

"Tamam, tamam. I'm off. Have fun, you two."

Sanem smiled and nodded to Can to let him know her pesky roommate was gone. She looked at him for a moment, appreciating his looks. Can rarely wore tuxedo and button-down shirts, but he looked amazing in them. He owned them like no other man she's ever seen. No wonder all the women wanted him. Deren, Ceyda, Polen, Ayça... And those were the ones she knew about. How many others wanted him? How many others tried and succeeded? She knew she was his first and only love, but he did have girlfriends before her. He was with Polen for years. She had him...

Sanem stood up abruptly and with a few quick paces found herself next to him. She grabbed his face and kissed him decidedly. When their lips parted, she exhaled through her mouth. Can has once again taken her breath away.

– What was that for, birtanem? – He asked with a smile, also a little breathless.

– Because you're mine.

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