Chapter 34 - Costa Coffee

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Sanem was sitting on the top level in Costa Coffee. She didn't want to take the booth simply because Polen suggested they do. She regretted it a bit now. The chairs were not very comfortable and the table wobbled. Walls were painted in the colors of different types of coffee – very original, one might say. The wall art was also all about it. From graphics of coffee-mills to words such as "roasted" or "crafted by Costa", all was supposed to create a nice feeling. Unfortunately that was ruined by very industrially looking pipes and chrome railings. Sanem didn't like it. Her mind went back to the cozy café she and Leyla visited before her wedding. She had to remember to send them a postcard from England, too. One glance out the window told her that the weather wasn't getting any better. She could imagine passers-by all carrying bags with things they just bought in some of the many shops in Old Spitalfields Market. From up here she couldn't tell, but the faint sound of steps on the pavement that reached inside told her most of them were in a hurry.

– You're not drinking? – Polen broke the uncomfortable silence. – Your coffee is getting cold.

– Do you care?

– Not really.

Polen picked up Cansu and put her on her arm. One of the workers brought the bottle with formula which she requested to be warmed up and she was going to feed the baby. Sanem watched this without a word. Cansu was such a cute little girl, even though she had her mother's eyes.

– You wanted to talk. – Sanem sipped her lukewarm latte and once again looked around. – I'm listening.

– I read your book. – Polen finally spoke. – You do have a way with words.

– Thank you.

– I hated you. – She added. – I still resent you. Can was the best I've had in life and you took him from me.

– I didn't take him from you. We fell in love. And when we met, he already planned on breaking up with you.

– It doesn't make it any easier.

– No, I suppose it doesn't. Is this what you wanted to tell me?

– No. – Polen sighed and moved Cansu to the other arm. – As I said, I read your book this week. It was most illuminating.

– Oh? – Sanem watched Polen. Her entire demeanor changed. There was no spark in her eyes, except for the moments when she was looking at her daughter. The dark circles were barely visible under the concealer, but they were definitely there. She was tired.

After the longest moment Polen took a deep breath and spoke again.

– I think I owe you an apology.

Sanem froze with her cup halfway to her lips. 

Can was getting impatient. It's only been fifteen minutes since Polen asked he left them alone and Sanem gently nodded to show him she's okay with it. He left them in Costa Coffee and went to explore the Market. Soon enough he found a Turkish cuisine stall and familiar aromas lured him in. He ordered four meat wraps to go.

– You wouldn't happen to have sarma, would you? – He asked in English. The girl at the till had red hair and freckles. The chances of her speaking Turkish were rather slim.

– No, we're already out. But come back tomorrow around lunch time. I'm sure you won't regret it.

– I probably won't be here tomorrow, but we'll see. – He took his order and went to explore other stalls. Soon enough he found an antique shop and went in.

"Damn!" Sanem's voice couldn't possibly miss this opportunity to appear. "Is she drunk? Have you checked her coffee?"

Sus! – Sanem whispered through her clenched teeth. Now was not the time. – Apology? – She said out loud and put the cup down. She couldn't believe what she just heard. – You lost me.

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