Chapter 12 - It's over

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The suite was dark. The only sources of light was the silvery shine of moonlight and golden glow of street lamps spilling in thorough the windows. But the silence was absolute. It was nearly 4 in the morning and even Venice, always full of life, always busy and bursting with tourists, decided to take a short nap. It's been lulled to sleep by the gentle sway of waves in the canals. Even the ever-present pigeons disappeared from view.

Can sat on the couch in the suite. He didn't turn on the lights nor put on the music. He sat in silence,staring at the distance, trying to come to terms with what had happened and absentmindedly playing with his wedding band. The look that Fabri gave him, the smugness of his countenance, the joy Can saw in his face as he said Emre's name... It was a very hard and bitter pill to swallow. His brother betrayed him,used Sanem to get what he wanted, stabbed him and their father in the back... And yet Can forgave him. He erased the whole unpleasant business and started with a clean slate. Emre's accident seemed to have been a wake-up call for the youngest Divit. Can trusted him and once again got burned.

But what was even worse was the fact Sanem knew about it. She knew and she didn't tell him. Despite the time that had passed and everything that happened since then, it still hurt. He got up and started pacing around. The cold shower he took didn't help. He was still angry and was getting worked up. He looked at Sanem asleep in their bed. Usually he loved watching her like this but tonight his heart was too heavy. All the memories and all the feelings he thought he had dealt with came back and he needed time to process. Finally he grabbed the duffle bag with his things,looked at his wife and quietly left the suite.

– Can! Can, where are you?! – Sanem looked around but all she could see was the fog. Echo grabbed her words and carried them away. – Can! – She was in her pj, barefoot, cold and alone. She started running, hoping she'd find him or at least some sign that would point her in his direction, but the ground under her feet turned into quicksand and before she realized, she was knee deep in it. She fought to free herself, all the while calling Can, but he didn't come. Panic set in and tears filled her eyes.

–Can! – She wept. – Please...

– I'm here, birtanem. – His voice was coming from the far, but she saw him standing next to her. Quicksand didn't grab him. He looked at her, but made no attempt to help her out.

– Can, help me...

– Why didn't you tell me?

– Can, I'm sinking. Please...

– You lied to me again.

– I wanted... Emre was supposed to tell you. I told him... I'm sorry... Can, please. Get me out. – She was falling deeper. The sand was already reaching up to her waist. She tried grabbing Can's hand, but he moved away and stood just beyond her reach. – Can, please...

– You lied. – Her husband looked at her with the mix of disgust and disappointment. – I shouldn't have come back. It wasn't worth it. – His words sunk deep and shuttered her heart into million pieces.

–Can, please... – She reached out her hand again, begging for him to take it. Deep in her heart she knew all she had to do was touch him and she'd be free. She'd be safe. – Please. I love you. 

Can didn't respond, he didn't take her hand. He just watched as the quicksand sucked her in deeper and when she felt it around her shoulders, turned around and left, never looking back. A few moments later he disappeared in the fog that has now turned into dark smoke. The last thing Sanem noticed was the fire and the smell of burning leaves. And then quicksand swallowed her whole.

– Can!

Sanem woke up abruptly. The cover was on the floor, she was all sweaty and her heartbeat was so fast and strong, she could almost hear the blood pumping through her veins. She sat up and rubbed her face. The room was empty and one look at Can's pillow told her he never laid down.

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