Chapter 41 - What Are We Going To Do?

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December 2019

Sometimes, when the night takes over the world and Can is asleep next to me, I allow my mind to wonder. I remember the princess, who followed the voice of the Wicked King to the woods. She was scared but no matter what she did, she couldn't stop. The woods grew darker and the shadows turned menacing but she kept on going. Sometimes she stumbled upon a meadow. She watched the stars with the King, they danced and send their wishes out into the world. But then the walk through the woods continued. Sharp branches cut her skin, leaving silver scars. Drops of blood stained the ground, marking the route, showing her, how far she'd gone. The fear never subsided, but the light of the stars gave her hope. The Wicked King soothed her heart with his tender voice and beautiful words and one day, when the light face of the Moon shone above her, she finally allowed herself to believe in a happily ever after.

But then the dark shadow appeared and the Wicked King disappeared, taking with him the Moon and the stars. She was lost again and all the silver scars reopened, bleeding profusely. Sometimes I wonder about the strength the Princess possessed. She was broken, trapped in the worst fear her heart could have ever conjured, but somehow she build herself up again, alone in the dark. And when the Moon and the stars came back, she was ready to embrace them again.

I wish I was like that Princess, the one who looked at the Wicked King and saw a man so powerful, nothing could get to him. But I'm not like her anymore and my Wicked King, though beautiful and strong, has his own scars. I can see them now. Some of them are new, marking his skin, promising to fade away with time. I made those and I will never forget about it. I can't. I'd be risking marking his skin again and that is the one thing I don't ever want to do.

But one scar has been there much longer, left by the only person, who should leave no marks, except those of love. Now this scar has been ripped opened. It's bleeding profusely and I don't know what to do.

What do I do?

Sanem was sitting by the table, reading and re-reading the e-mail from Volcan bey over and over again. Apparently he found Yiğit's doctor and with a combination of alcohol, a bit of coaxing and inciting, managed to get him to open up about what happened.

The gist of it was simple – the main culprit in all of this seemed to be Hüma Erdamar. She was the one who bribed the doctor to falsify the documents, she paid the staff in the rehabilitation centre to "work" with Yiğit and got the pharmacist to fake the prescription.

Sanem rubbed her face. Now it made sense why Yiğit kept in touch with her after the accident. But was it even the accident? Yiğit wasn't a puppet without a shred of free will. He went along with it. He pretended for an entire year that Can made him a cripple, allowed Sanem to take him to rehabilitation, watched as she struggled with guilt.

Her heart dropped as the pieces of the puzzle finally found their places and she saw everything he'd done in a new light. From the very beginning he was circling around her, inserting himself into her space, amongst her friends, like a wolf in sheep's clothing. He read her diary, for goodness sake!

– Ah, Sanem, ah! Why hadn't this alerted you to who he was? – She rubbed her temples, with every minute feeling more frustrated with herself.

"Because he stroke your ego".

– Oh, just sus.

"You were an idiot and he played you."

– I know.

"All those red flags waving in front of your eyes. But no. He said that you write well and you were ready to drop everything."

– I know.

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