Chapter 22 - Heart to Heart

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– Let's talk.

Emre looked at his brother anxiously. He should've listened to Sanem when she told him to come clean, but he never did. He honestly thought this was all behind him, that he's made up for his mistakes, but apparently he was wrong. It all came back to bite him and if he were to be honest with himself – deservedly so. Now Can didn't even want to look at him. Emre intended to wait with this conversation until after the wedding, but ultimately decided against it. He didn't want anything to throw a shadow over his father's wedding so this thing had to be resolved today.

– Can? Please.

Can watched Leyla and Sanem for a moment without saying a word. Just a few hours ago his sister-in-law didn't even want to look at Sanem. Now they were laughing as if nothing wrong ever happened. There was a lesson here, he thought, but wasn't yet sure what kind. He took a deep breath and looked at Emre. His brother was visibly anxious.

Tamam. Let's talk. But not here.

– The back patio?

– Let's go.

Mihriban passed Emre and Can in the hallway. She just hid the wedding dress in Sanem's wardrobe and felt a little giddy. Tomorrow she'll marry the love of her life, Hüma was halfway around the world and could do nothing about it and apparently Leyla and Sanem were talking again. She looked at the girls and smiled.

– Well, look at that. They've made up. – Aziz emerged from his office with a huge smile. He just finished talking to the caterer and the florist to make sure everything was right on track. – How did that happen? – He embraced his fiancée from behind and rested his head on her shoulder.

– We went to get the dress and pick up desserts for tomorrow.

– Oh yes?

– And I may have fed them Daan's special brownies on our way back. – She smiled mischievously, as she put an emphasis on the word "special".

– You didn't! – Aziz was both shocked and amused.

– I did. – She giggled, covering her mouth.

Sanem was sitting on the living room floor between coffee table and the couch and laughing loudly. She didn't really know what made her laugh, but it didn't matter. All that she cared about was that for the first time since they came to Amsterdam, her sister, who was also sitting on the floor and giggling, wasn't looking at her as if she was trying to kill her.

– So wait. The first time you met Deren, you spilled coffee all over her? – When Leyla didn't answer, Sanem repeated her question. For a moment her sister looked as if she was zoning out.

– Yes! I knocked her accidentally when I was leaving Emre's office after the interview. She was wearing something pink, I think. Can't remember. – Leyla reached for a glass and sipped her tea. – The stain was huge. I was mortified.

– I bet the entire Istanbul heard her screaming!

– I covered my ears, that's how loud she was. – Leyla paused for a moment and shook her head. – Emre laughed and hired me on the spot because of that.

– Because you covered your ears?

– He said it looked hilarious and my application was the best anyway, so it wasn't a difficult decision. But the look on Deren's face when she heard I'd be staying...

– Like she swallowed a toad? – Sanem remembered that face very well. She's seen it many times, especially when Can or anybody else in the agency praised her in front of the creative director. But that was a long time ago. Now they were good friends.

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