Chapter 45 - Got You!

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Leyla checked her phone again. January 15th. She couldn't believe how fast the time passed. Emre has been home for almost two weeks already, but the awkwardness between them hasn't disappeared. On the first night he tried to kiss her, but she pulled away, pretending she heard her phone ringing in the other room. He seemed to have gotten the point and hasn't tried to initiate anything again. She knew they needed to talk, but for some reason she couldn't force herself to do that. Every now and again she would catch Emre watching her with sad eyes and it made her feel horrible, like it was all her fault. And then inevitably came the anger, because how dare he make her feel this way? She rubbed her face. If she keeps this up, soon she'll be back to square one, right where she was before she started her therapy. She sat up on the bed and looked at her husband. He was snoring quietly. Leyla sighed and opened the gallery on her phone. Their wedding photos showed them happy with no worries. Will they ever be able to be like this again? Her phone pinged, letting her know about an incoming email. It was nearly 3 am and only one person would write to her at this hour – Sanem. Leyla gently got up and as quietly as she could went to the living room. The house was so quiet she could hear the waves hitting the shore near the deck. Silver light of the moon came through the windows, giving the room an eerie glow. Leyla's laptop was on the coffee table still plugged in. She clicked on the envelope icon and smiled. The first thing she saw was the photo of her little sister with Mickey Mouse ears and a huge pink cotton candy in hand. She was in Disney World.

Sanem send the email to her sister and parents and closed her laptop. She was supposed to write today, but nearly a week in Disney World completely messed up her concentration. Her blood was pumping and her heart was full of joy. Can made sure she saw everything there was to see and even the long lines didn't deter them. Together they were having so much fun. And then Gaston started flirting with her and Can got jealous. She giggled remembering his face.

 – Can, I'm hungry. Can we go eat before leaving for the airport? – Sanem closed her laptop and walked over to her husband. He was sitting on the bed, leaning on the headboard and checking his own emails.

– Sure, birtanem. We have time.

– Anything interesting? – She asked, when Can didn't look her way.

– Mark checked on Canem today. Everything is fine at the marina. – He grabbed her hand and pulled her to sit beside him. The bed was soft and it took her a moment to find a comfortable position. – And I got an email from James Evans.

– The guy from Canada? The one who wanted to put your polar bear photographs up?

– The same. Turns out the director of Polar Bear Park in Ontario wants to buy them.

– Is that where you took them? – Sanem turned the laptop to see better.

– No, actually. That was farther north in Manitoba, right by the Hudson Bay. – He opened Google Maps and showed her the general area. – But if he wants them, that's fine by me. Now, let's go and eat. What do you feel like?

– Anything.

He was watching them from afar. Watching as they were ordering, as they were laughing about something, watching them be all lovey-dovey and feeding each other... Can wiped Sanem's mouth with a thumb and licked it. It made his stomach turn. He's been following them for a week now and came close to being exposed more than a couple of times already, but that wouldn't deter him.

The waitress brought his coffee and caramel cheesecake and swiftly moved to another table. Meanwhile his phone pinged with an incoming message.

"All's ready. Your Cessna is waiting at the Royal Trails Airport 45 miles north from Orlando. You're gonna have to land once to tank. I left all the instructions in the plane. Good luck."

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