Chapter 33 - Let's Face It

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I have news. So much news. Deren hanım has an aşkım! And you'll never guess who that is! Go on – try!

It's Metin bey! Muzzo and I saw them leaving the agency together. And before that, she got flowers and I saw someone calling her that she named Aşkım in her phone. The agency is gossiping like crazy, though without Güliz it will die down soon enough.

I wonder if she'll let me be the witness at her wedding?

Have you heard from Ayhan? How is she? Does she miss me?


Sanem finished reading the e-mail on her phone and looked up. Can was standing by the steering wheel, making sure Canem stayed on course despite strong wind and pretty high waves. Thank goodness the sky was clear. Canem was rocking hard but they were making pretty good progress. In a few days they will be in England and she'll finally be able to get warm. She pulled the blanket tighter around herself and opened another e-mail.

Hi, little sis!

Mom wants to know if your parasite problem has gone away. She's actually sitting next to me and is very anxious for your answer, so please, PLEASE call her as soon as you can. She also tells me to tell you to eat healthy and to take your vitamins. And to keep yourself warm.

Tamam, she's gone to the kitchen and stopped looking over my shoulder. Things are not so good between us. She's still resentful that Emre and I moved out and comes to the farm every day. I went back to work just to have a few hours of peace. I feel smothered and I think I understand now why you didn't want to go back home after leaving the clinic.

I'm going to therapy and I think it's helping a little. I don't know, we'll see. Right now it's Emre who's really worrying me. He's promised me many times he'd stop drinking, but he manages that only for a few days and then I find him passed out again. I really don't know what to do. I called Aziz baba and they will come here straight from South Africa. I hope he'll be able to help. Pray to Allah that he will.

Osman and Ayhan came to visit the mahalle, cause he's shooting some scenes in Istanbul. I met his fiancée. She's really nice but I don't think she likes me. Maybe she just needs more time.

Mom's calling me, so I gotta go. Once again PLEASE, call her or she won't let me breathe.

Say "hi" to Can from all ofus.


Sanem sighed and put the phone in her pocket. Her tea has gone cold, so with a grunt she got up and went down to the kitchen. Can watched her from his spot by the steering wheel as she was boiling the water and cutting up some apples. There were so many things on her mind right now. She didn't know Osman would be shooting in Istanbul. Not that it changed anything for her but once again she realized that Ayhan and herself grew apart. A few months ago her friend would've told her about coming to Istanbul, even if it was just for a few hours. On the other hand the tone of Leyla's e-mail was rather cheery, so apparently therapy was working, even though she's only had a few meetings so far. But Emre... This was truly troubling. She sighed again and poured two glasses of tea. She didn't need to ask Can if he wanted some – he always did.

– I got an e-mail from Leyla. I need to call mom. – She said, sitting on the bench next to him and grabbing a piece of apple. – Apparently she needs to hear from me that I'm fine.

– I'll get us closer to the shore.

– There's something else. It's about Emre.

– What about him? – Can set the new course in the navigation and checked the level of gas. Everything looked in order.

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