Chapter 11 - La Fenice

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Andrea, the stylist recommended by Asli, came in with an entire team. He brought a make-up artist and hair stylist, not to mention the whole rack of dresses and gowns for Sanem and tuxedos for Can to pick from. Suddenly the spacious suite turned crowded.

– Well, my babies, let's get you ready. – He said with an unmistakable flair of an artist. – We have only two hours to get you dolled up. No time to lose. – He pointed towards the bedroom, but when Sanem didn't react, he stopped. – What's wrong?

– She doesn't speak Italian. – Can explained. – I'll translate.

– Very well. Let's get to work.

Can was ready in no-time and was now sitting on the bed, waiting for Sanem. His hair's been put in a neat bun and his beard got trimmed to perfection. Andrea wasn't too eager about all his accessories, but upon seeing Can's face, gave up on pushing his own ideas. That is why Can was left to his own devices when it came to choosing his outfit. He made sure however, that Sanem approved of his white button-down shirt and black dress pants. It was a funny feeling, he figured, caring so much about another person's opinion. He couldn't remember the last time he felt it before meeting her. But now he wanted her to be proud of him. Weird. Truly weird.

Sanem sat in front of the vanity, having her hair straightened and pinned in an elegant bun. Her make up was done and Andrea chose a beautiful dress. All seemed perfect and yet, something was bothering her. A nagging feeling that something was going to happen. Something bad.

–It's just nerves. – Can assured her. A couple of days ago Sanem asked him to teach her a few sentences in Italian for her speech and she picked it up pretty quickly. He was sure she was gonna be perfect. His wife had a knack for public speaking. – Don't worry. 

Sanem nodded but wasn't completely convinced. This felt weird. She's never had intuition, never knew whom she could trust and whom to avoid. Can on the other hand had a sixth sense. He distrusted Fabri and Yiğit from the first moment, he was careful with his mother... Perhaps he was right? It's surely just stage fright. She closed her eyes and once again repeated the beginning of her speech in Italian to make sure she remembered it correctly.

– "Good evening. Thank you so much for this honor. I am really touched. And this is as much Italian as my husband managed to teach me, so I will speak Turkish now."

She saw Andrea's reflection, smiling and nodding and immediately felt better. Can was right. Everything was fine. She got this.

The car send by Luciana to pick them up stopped in front of the Teatro La Fenice. Sanem got out very carefully – Andrea put her in the heels that were so high, she needed a moment to catch her balance. But they did look amazing and went very well with her 50s style black dress with knee-length skirt, sleeveless and with boat neckline. However, what she loved the most and just couldn't stop touching, was the headpiece the hair stylist put over her bun. It was an exquisite job – a silver butterfly adorned with pearls and crystals in all the colors of the rainbow. It came with a matching wide butterfly bracelet and Sanem was scared of losing them.

–Well, this is a fun little twist. – Said Can, giving her his arm and leading her towards the entrance.

– What is?

–La Fenice means "The Phoenix". – He smiled and pointed to a golden bird hung between two columns. – Appropriate, isn't it?

– You're right! – Luciana Rossi walked out of the theatre to welcome them. – This theatre has been built in 1792 after the previous one burned down. Then it almost burned down itself in 1836 and in 1996. It truly is a phoenix. – The woman, now dressed in a lovely cocktail dress, shook their hands. – Welcome. – Only now Sanem realized that she's been talking with them in Turkish with a perfect accent. – I'm sorry I have left you alone today, but there was so much to take care of. We've had some problems with the band, so unfortunately we're going to have to content ourselves with the DJ. I do hope you like Italian music. – Without waiting for their response she turned around and went back inside. Can and Sanem were left standing by the door, once again a little stunned.

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