Chapter 19 - Aydın vs. Aydın

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– Don't touch me, Sanem. Please, just leave me alone.

Leyla turned away from her sister and focused on the brightly lit silhouette of the castle in the distance. Deep down she felt she wasn't being reasonable, but she has lost too much to care. She was alone and nobody understood her pain. She didn't really want to come here, but staying at home, where everybody looked at her with pity, made her want to scream. It was supposed to be different here. And yet, once again, Sanem came and messed up everything.

– Sis, are you angry with me? – Sanem tried to take Leyla's hand, but she pulled away. – I don't understand. What did I do?

– You never understand, do you? – Leyla's voice was barely above whisper. – With you it's always "me, me, me". You never care about anybody else. It's always just you and Can.

Sanem was taken aback and confused.

– What are you talking about?

– You don't even care about mom and dad and their health. – Leyla finally looked at Sanem, her eyes full of anger. – The fact mom's migraines are getting worse or that dad's diabetes is completely out of control is not important, isn't it? The only things that matter to you are your boat, your trip, your awards, your book and Can. And to hell with everything else!

– What's wrong with mom and dad?

– Now you care?! – Leyla was beginning to shout. It was as if a dam broke and she was no longer able to control her emotions.

– OK, I don't know what's wrong with you, but I'm not gonna listen to this. – Sanem turned around and left the kitchen, but Leyla followed her.

– The little princess got what she wanted and to hell with the rest! – She caught up with Sanem. – You were always like this. I had to work and obey, while you did everything you wanted!

Can and Mihriban heard the commotion in the kitchen and a few moments later the Aydın girls walked into the living room, one of them offended, the other one fuming.

Birtanem, what's wrong? – Can stood up and quickly assessed the situation. – What happened?

– Apparently I'm the selfish brat who destroyed Leyla's life. Because what? I dare to be happy? I have no idea what has gotten into her.

– It's OK. Calm down. – Mihriban walked up to Leyla and gently cupped her face, but the older of the Aydın sisters pushed her hands away.

– It is not OK! She always gets what she wants without any effort! I'm tired of it! – She grabbed one of the pillows off the couch to throw it at Sanem, but Mihriban managed to grab it. Raised voices lured Aziz out of his office.

– Children, what is happening?

– Nothing! – Leyla and Sanem answered at the same time, not taking eyes off of each other. Aziz looked first at Can and then at his fiancée, but neither seemed to know what was going on.

– First I had to babysit you, keep an eye on you when we went out, then help you with your math homework. And you never thanked me! – Leyla walked up to Sanem and poked her with a finger. – And then I got you job in the agency and suddenly what?! You're a golden employee?! Your ideas are so brilliant?! Well, they're not! Can was praising you, cause he wanted to be with you!

– Leyla, stop it. You know that's not true. – Can tried to interfere, but his sister-in-law wouldn't let him. She gave him a death stare that could freeze the entire Pacific ocean within seconds.

– You know I'm right! She had been given everything on a silver platter.

– Leyla, girl, that's enough. – Aziz walked up to her and forced her to look at him. – We know you're in pain, but you cannot be lashing out at your sister. Don't forget she and Can were through hell, too.

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