Chapter 24 - La Vie En Rose

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Sanem was sitting on the steps of the back porch and observing the trees. This was her designated spot ever since Can told her about the green woodpecker. It's been two days already, but the bird remained elusive. She turned her face towards the setting sun,enjoying its warm rays. The last two days were dominated by showers and clouds and she was a little fed up with this aura.

Leyla and Emre left the next day after Aziz and Mihriban. Sanem didn't ask, but it seemed that her sister and brother-in-law talked, so maybe there was still hope for them.

– What are you thinking about, bebek? – Can put his denim jacket over her shoulders and sat down next to her. – Still no woodpecker?

– No. I think it's hiding from me. – She pouted. – It knows I'm waiting and is avoiding me on purpose.

– Well, that's its loss. – He pushed her hair behind her ear and smiled. – Have you spoken to your mom?

– She's still angry with me and insists I apologize to Melihat abla. I will, but Leyla told me that she stopped bringing dad sweets and so on, so I guess it was worth it. Mom's happy, but she won't admit it and dad's unhappy and keeps talking about it all the time. She used the word "whine", so he must be really unbearable. – She leaned in, put her head on Can's shoulder and sighed. – Is this normal?

– What?

– That the longer I am away from them, the more I see how unreasonable my parents sometimes are? I love them, but when I think about all the things I had to hide from them just to be able to live my life... I'm realizing so much about them right now. It's actually kind of sad.

– It's part of growing up. You start seeing them as people and not just your parents.

– Yeah, I guess.

Silence fell between them for a moment, interrupted only by the callings of seagulls.

– It's so beautiful here. – Sanem remarked. The sun has disappeared behind the horizon and the bright orange hue of the sky turned darker. A few stars appeared, sparkling like the diamonds against the ink-black backdrop.

– It is. Now, grab your things. We're leaving.

– Leaving? Where to?

– It's a surprise. – Can stood up and took Sanem's hand. – Up.

– Surprise? What surprise?

– You'll see. Hurry up. We have a plane to catch.

Less than three hours later the plane landed in Paris and Sanem was in the state of giddy excitement. All the way from the house to the airport Can kept his secret, but now the cat was out of the bag and she could barely contain her joy. Paris was pretty high on her list of places to see ever since Can came up with the story of their meeting in the cinema. And she was also very curious of their bread. So far she had trouble believing anything could be better than simit.

– Sanem, come on. – Can retrieved their bag and called her to hurry up. The trains to city center departed every five minutes, but even though it was the fastest way, it would still be nearly an hour before they get to their hotel. Sanem looked around. She wasn't really a fan of airports. As much as she loved the hustle and bustle, she felt a little overwhelmed. Even more so after spending a year on the farm and the last two months on a boat with only Can for the company. But she also couldn't help herself, as her imagination ran wild. Soon the train door closed behind them.

– I don't like airports, but they're so romantic. – She said quietly. Can looked a little confused. Of all the adverbs describing airports, "romantic" didn't even make it on the list.

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