Chapter 36 - It's All About Love

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Sanem was leaning against the tree, looking at the magnificent vista in front of her. The planes were covered in green grass and a few trees here and there. Dirt road led to a tiny village with less than ten houses and one huge well in the center of it. From the distance she could see kids playing football and she smiled. But it was the sky that captured her imagination – bright and blue, it was adorned with countless white clouds. Some of them looked like a pudding, others like flowers and one special one reminded her of a butterfly.

A little over a month ago Sanem was in Casablanca in Morocco, walking down the streets of a place she'd only ever heard of because of the movie. It surprised her with amazing architecture and incredible views. But what she loved the most were the bazaars, some taking up the entire buildings, other tucked away in the narrow streets between the houses. She stopped at one of the stalls, utterly bewitched by the vivid colors of the displayed shawls. The one that caught her eye was bright turquoise, embroidered with red and golden flames along the border and sprinkled with tiny crystal beads al lover. It sparkled in the sun and for a second she chuckled, thinking this is probably how magpies felt right before they stole some shiny trinket. 

Click of the shutter brought her back to reality.

– Can, you've taken thousands of pictures of me. Aren't you bored? – She smiled at her husband. With his hair in a tight bun, dark blue tank-top and heavy hiking boots he reminded her of the day she was posing for him for the campaign. It was so long ago... – Take a few of the views. I've never imagined Africa was so diverse.

– Most people don't. – He covered the lens and hang the camera across his shoulder. – People think it's either desert, jungle or dry grass, but it's also everything in between. It's a vast continent.

– And you've seen it all. – She reached out and put her arms around his waist.

– Far from it. – Can pushed the strands of hair away from Sanem's face before pulling her closer. The sun was merciless, but thankfully the wind picked up and their hike up the Mont Sokbaro was rather pleasant. – But I have seen a lot.

– And now I have my own, personal guide.

– Yes. But he's not working for free.

– Well... That's not good, because I have no money on me.

– I'm sure we can think of alternative payment plan.

– Is that so?

– Yes. But I'm gonna need an advance now. – He pointed a finger at his cheek.

Sanem stood on her toes, put her arms around Can's neck and kissed him gently.

– That's a good start, but we're not there, yet. – He pointed to his other cheek and she swiftly obliged. He finally gestured at his lips and just raised his eyebrows. Sanem chuckled.

– You're a tough negotiator.

She grabbed his face and kissed him hard, with passion. She bit his lip and sucked on his tongue and when he moaned she stepped away.

– I offer you my service as the guide... – Can pulled his wife closer again, not yet done with the kiss, but Sanem turned her head and his lips touched her temple.

– Look, Can! That rock looks a bit like the Bride's Rock in Ağva. – She pointerto a big rock at the foot of the hill they were standing on. Can looked over and nodded.

– That was a sad story.

– I never told you how it ended, did I?

– No. You decided to almost fall to your death and landed in my arms instead. – He smiled. – And you were wearing the same top that day.

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