|Chapter 123 : Drunken Offers|

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"Come on, Nadia has gone out again. You can stay down awhile longer" he told me quietly as I nodded and felt him turn on the spot as we landed in the living room and I looked around, Adam and Ali sitting there with Jayden who had appeared, stopping their quiet singing as they looked between each other amused and I sat down beside Nathan, kept in a hug as we looked to the three

"I am Hungary"

"Maybe you should Czech the kitchen"

"I'll start Russian to the kitchens!"

"Will there be any Turkey?"

"I don't know, but it might be covered in a layer of Greece"

"Ew, there is Norway you can eat that"

"We... we three glorious humans have officially achieved comedy"

"I can't believe you three are drunk-"


"We had only been gone for about half an hour at most. And within that time, you've helped yourself to the alcohol" Nathan muttered quietly as he looked between the three of them with a look as I felt a smile grow as Jayden looked at him

"Damn right we have-"

"It was just sitting there-"

"Calling our names-"

"Taunting us" Adam cut across Ali quietly as the three started laughing before he grabbed another bottle from the floor, taking the top off as he looked at me

"Do you want some?"



"Fucking hell, Nathan. It's not going to hurt her" he shrugged as he put the lid on and rolled it across the floor to me as I picked it up, throwing a side glance to Nathan who sat with his eyebrows raised before letting out a sigh

"One drink-"

"One bottle"

"No" he told me as I turned towards him, taking the lid off as I lifted the bottle up and drank from it, keeping eye contact as I continued to drink until he eventually took it from me, spilling some onto the couch as I started laughing and he looked at me wide eyed

"You've drunk pretty much half of the bloody thing!"

"Ha, oops"

"So where did Nadia go?" Nathan asked before he took a drink himself before I passed him the lid as Ali shrugged lazily and Jayden sat up slightly

"She probably left to go and get more stuff for the party-"


"Party? What party?"

"Your birthday party-"


"What? Was she not meant to know?" He asked with a sincere look as the others simultaneously groaned as I looked between them

"You have to be kidding me-"

"You weren't meant to know about it-"

"I'm turning thirteen! Not six! I don't want to have to go to some shitty party that was planned with Holly in mind" I complained as I slumped down the couch with a groan as I rubbed at my face before looking between them

"Please don't make me go- Nathan! Please!"

"Why are you targeting me? You can beg them too, you know, not just me. You're making me feel bad-"


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