|Chapter 168 : Shit Happens|

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"Hey? Amelia? Is that you?"

"Yes. It's me" I sighed after having waved both Daphne and Theodore off as they left for the Christmas holidays, sending a dirty look back to Millicent after she had walked through the doors and out of sight as I turned around, staring surprised

"Cho, right?"

"Yeah, I need to talk to you"

"Okay.... about?...."



"He's up to something else. I'm not sure what, but he's been talking to the others about your broom. He might be planning to tamper with it, but I'm not sure. But if I were you, I'd keep my broom in my dorm from now on after each practice" she advised me as I stared at her, confused but also wary. Not knowing whether to believe her or not I raised an eyebrow as she gave a quiet sigh, trying to smile as she stepped towards me slightly

"Look, I don't agree with what he done, at all. There wasn't any reason to go after you like that. I don't know why he did, Lucas doesn't either. I'm just trying to make sure that he doesn't try to cause a disadvantage to you in any way during-"


"Ugh, who's that?" I asked quietly as I turned around, Angelina walking towards me quickly with Katie by her side

"What's this all about?"

"We were just about to start practice" she told me as I peered at her curiously before she reached my side, Cho having stepped around to look as I was passed a bundle of green quidditch robes and I looked at the two curiously before unraveling them, my stomach dropping as I stared at them. Torn, burnt and overall just destroyed as I stared at the peeling letters of my name on the back as I continued to stare at them

"They were just lying in the middle of the pitch-"

"Your bag too" Katie told me as she passed me my bag, a couple of things inside as I sighed quietly

"Thank you"

"What're you going to do? You can't play in robes like that"

"And Quality Quidditch supplies is overloaded with demand right now"

"I know. I'm just going to have to chuck them. Nothing I can do" I shrugged as their names were shouted from the door and they turned, Alicia standing there as she motioned for them to go

"She couldn't wait another minute, could she?"

"Apparently not"

"Wood will shout at us if we don't hurry up-"

"Well, I don't really want you two to get in shit for coming up here and telling me. Thank you, again"

"Don't worry about it. We'll tell you if anything else happens" Angelina told me, offering a smile as I tried to give one back as they turned and jogged back over to the doors, disappearing as I turned to my robes and bag with a sigh

"Is their not any way to fix them? At all?"

"Probably not. I'll still have a go though. I've got to go, thank you by the way. I'll see you later"

"Bye" She said to me quietly while waving as I gave a small one back as I walked away.

"What the hell is that?"

"It's called a bag, Miles. Haven't you seen one?"

"I meant in the bag. What is it? It looks like your robes"

"Bang on" I told him after having walked into the common room as I pulled them from my bag and showed them to him as his jaw dropped

"Fuck off.... you've got to be kidding me"

"Yes, Miles. I'm kidding. This is all a laughing matter, isn't it?"

"You're so fucking lucky Flint isn't here. He'd lose his shit. What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything, thank you very much. Angelina told me that they were just in the middle of the pitch-"

"Come on, Adrian has an order form in our dorm-"

"Where is Adrian?" I asked after he had stood up and motioned for me to follow as we started walking down the boys dorm steps, the door just past Draco's and Blaise's as he held the door open and pointed to Adrian who was sitting by a bed, by himself and laughing as Miles turned to me amused

"Currently getting high on our dorm floor"

"I can see that- does he know that he's not using that properly-?"

"He won't hear anything of it. I've tried to tell him" he told me laughing as I looked about, the dorm slightly messy, a spare quaffle in the corner of room with a makeshift goal on the wall as I laughed to myself as I looked around, slightly confused

"There's only two beds?"

"Yeah. Only two of us, well, in this dorm anyway: Bole and Derrick have another dorm. I didn't have any choice. I was forced to get along with him-"


"I'm being honest" he shrugged after Adrian had turned around, eyes puffy and bloodshot as he grinned at me while letting out a puff of smoke and I let out a laugh before sitting down on Miles' bed while he started searching through his trunk, humming quietly as I laid down slightly, moving over to the foot of his bed where he was hidden behind the lid of his trunk

"What is it he's smoking?" I asked Miles quietly as he shut his trunk, his face slightly pink when he looked up before passing me a folded up piece of parchment as he turned around and stared at Adrian for a moment, both of us watching him hum quietly, staring confused while he tried to get the lighter to work as he stared at it with the upmost concentration as Miles turned back with a slight laugh

"I don't know and I don't want to know"

"Wise choice-"

"Anyway, that's the more important order form for Quality Quidditch Supplies"

"But they're-"

"It goes to the main warehouse factory place thing, whatever it is. It doesn't go to Diagon Alley, especially if it's this important"

"But I don't have my measurements-"

"They're on the inside of the robes, look...." he told me before pushing himself up and sitting down beside me as I passed him my robes as he tried to find the label, silent for a few moments before passing me them back with a smile

"That's them there"

"Oh, okay. Thank you. I'm going to be filling that form out in here"

"I love how that wasn't you asking, but rather telling"

"Yup. Statements are better than questions"



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