|Chapter 171 : Screeching in the Dark|

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Pushing my duvet off of me I quickly sorted my shorts before creeping across the floor of the dark dorm and to the bathroom. Jumping out of fright, I wasn't prepared for echoing shriek that rattled around the dorm walls and rang painfully in my ears after I passed Millicent's bed

"What the fuck is going on?!"

"Aha! Caught in the act!" Millicent shouted after the dorm door banged open and girls from other dorms stood there in their pyjamas with their wands lit and looking about confused and annoyed as she flicked her wand, the shrieking stopping as I stared at her

"I knew there was something off about you this year! I knew it was only a matter of time before you tried to attack one of us!-"

"I WAS GOING TO THE FUCKING BATHROOM!" I screamed at her as everything fell silent and I shook with rage as I grabbed my wand and tucked it into my waistband

"I've had enough of this fucking shit" I spat before storming out of the dorm as I pushed past the girls around the door as I stormed up the stairs, guys starting to appear at the top of the stairs as I left the common room and stormed through the dark, cold and empty halls towards the Great Hall, completing forgetting I was bare footed as my feet slammed angrily against the floor and I shut the double doors behind me forcefully as I dumped myself down at the Slytherin table.

"Lumos" I mumbled as I bit at my bottom lip, watching as a small light appeared in front of me as I dropped my wand on the table before shoving goblets and plates out of the way angrily with a shout of rage as I dropped my head onto my arms as my breaths came in shaking and I watched as a few tears fell down onto the table

"Well wasn't that a wake up call to remember? I must say, it's surprising... four o'clock in the morning, in the middle of January and you're in nothing but a vest and shorts"

"And you're here to laugh at me?" I asked Draco quietly as he sat down next to me and I lifted my head, wiping forcefully at my face as I glanced at him

"No, I'm not actually"

"That's a first"

"No it's not. The holidays?" He asked as I nodded quietly, remembering what happened plainly as he glanced around the table before at the floor as he let out a laugh

"Are you trying to freeze your feet off?" He asked amused as I looked down and to my feet where I found them covered in frost and the floor around them covered in ice as I shrugged silently

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I'm splendid. Why wouldn't I be? After all, one of my dormmates is that paranoid that I'm going to attack her that she has charms around her fucking bed. So yes, I'm just fantastic"

"It's dumb in my opinion"

"What is?"

"The whole charms around Bulstrode's bed situation. I highly doubt you're actually going to attack someone, unless it's Weaslebee" he murmured as I continued to stare ahead as we stayed quiet

"Were you crying?" He asked quietly as I shook my head and glanced at him, watching as he pointed to the table as I looked down and stared at the teardrops before I wiped them away with my hand

"I don't cry-"

"So what was that then? Is the water coming through the roof?"

"Shut up. How come it's you here?"

"Well, nearly everyone in our house woke up and Zabini went down to see what was happening and I decided to find out where you had went"

"How did you find me?"

"Well, I heard the goblets and plates getting thrown around-"

"I wasn't throwing them-"

"Clearly. And it's also hard not to notice the crystals of ice and snow that were left by your feet" he said amused as a small smile grew on my face while I shook my head at him

"I knew I would get you smiling"

"Oh shut it-"

"Here, Parkinson gave me it, she said you might want it" he said before passing me something as I gently took it from him and looked at my fleece with a smile before pulling it on

"Thank you"

"I don't know why you're thanking me, it was Pansy that gave me it"

"But it was you that actually came here to give me it" I mumbled before sitting with my head in my hands as we fell quiet, everything playing over in my head as I felt tears brim my eyes again

"I don't want to be here anymore, I don't want to do this"

"I- what?"

"I can't take it, I hate it" I mumbled as I pressed my palms into my eyes as I dropped my head onto his shoulder and he looked at me surprised as I felt my body start to shake, hands turning white as I wiped at my face forcefully

"I'm not surprised, I don't know what to say to even try and make you feel better, I'm not good with all this feelings stuff-"

"Do you even have feelings?"

"No, why would you even ask that?" He asked as the two of us started laughing and I lifted my head as I looked at him amused

"At least I can make you laugh if that counts as anything"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have of said that" I said to him with a light laugh as he shrugged it off

"It was a genuine question"

"It was rude-"

"It really wasn't" he told me laughing as I picked my wand up and flicked it as the plates and goblets went back to where they were as I wiped at my face again

"Oh, here comes Blaise- Merlin let her breathe, Zabini" he said to Blaise after he dumped down next to me and wrapped me into a tight hug as a small smile crossed my face

"You missed it. Pansy smacked her, and I mean full on smacked her"

"No, she shouldn't have of-"

"Amelia please stop being so nice right now. She fucking deserved it. Well more but yeah"

"Oh wow, Zabini is right for once"

"Thank you for that, Malfoy"

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