|Chapter 161 : Tellings|

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"Good practice!" Flint shouted as I let out a groan while pushing myself up as I stared at him and he flew to the ground with the others as they laughed

"You're kidding.... right?"

"Well, we did have a good practice. You on the other hand-"

"Had one hell of a spectacular fall" Miles laughed as I was dragged to my feet and I stumbled slightly

"You've got some mud on your face-"

"Hmm, I wonder why" I said to him laughing as I grabbed my broom and we headed over to the changing room. Having grabbed our bags, I stopped, staring at the contract that was sitting on top as I quickly shoved it in my robe pocket, careful to avoid any of the mud on my clothes as I finished packing my things away while I put my broom in my locker and I heard the door open



"Is everybody still here?"

"Yes..." Flint said uncertainly as he glanced around and I done the same, making sure that everybody was there as they all looked at me and I sighed slightly before letting out a nervous laugh

"Everything good?"

"Yeah. It's just.... I thought I should show you guys by now. While you're all here that is" I mumbled before taking out the folded parchment from my pocket as I looked to them all, all of them looking at me confused as Flint stared at me wide eyed



"What? You don't think I should?"

"No! Of course not!"

"Wait, why?"

"Because we have our match against Ravenclaw! We can't afford to be down to two chasers and find another!" Flint told me, a slightly loud edge to his voice as my eyebrows knitted together and I stared at him, both confused and slightly concerned

"What do you mean?"

"We don't have enough time to go and find another chaser-"

"Why would you need to go and find- what are you on about?"

"That's you about to quit, isn't it? You're handing in the two week notice thing" he said as I stared at him, starting to laugh as I unfolded it and held it out as they squinted at it

"Far from it, Flint. Far from it-"

"Holy fuck! Is that shit real?!"

"As real as it can get" I told Adrian laughing as he took it from my hands and stared at it, jaw dropped as others looked over his shoulder at it while Draco wandered over

"So this is what Parkinson has been shouting about?"

"Yep, ever since I got it"

"And what exactly is it?"

"It a contract. Or, application for Magpie's" I told him, glancing at him with a smile as he looked at me surprised

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