Chapter Fifty-four- Don't close your eyes in the dark, Love.

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I ran out of the room and into the rain. I was going as fast as I could, trying to get to Dumbledore's office. My tears mixed with the rain as it pleated down on my soaking robes. I ran to the gargoyle.

"SUGAR QUILLS!" I yelled at it, it sprang to life and jumped away. I burst through the doors, my breathing heavy and uneven, my clothes and hair soaked and my eyes filled with tears.

Dumbledore was sitting in his dressing-gown, at his desk.

"Sienna. I was wondering when you would show up," he said.

"Professor, Draco," I said. He smiled.

"Well done, I assume you know what you must do," he asked.

"Yes, save him. Help him with the cupboard." I said.

"That and you'll need to be there when he kills me," Dumbledore said.

"But- But he won't be able to. He's 16." I pleaded, my tears still streaming down my face.

"I know, Professor Snape will be the one to kill me," he said. I sighed in relief.

"Sienna this means that you are no longer allowed to ask me for advice, no one can know you had any relationship with me and you must act as though you resent me now."

"Yes sir, I understand."

"Very well, go back to Draco," he said. I nodded and made my way to the door.

"Oh and Ms. Appleton?" he called. I turned.

"Draco's stuff is now back in your dorm and when the time comes remember how much you love him, save him. Always remember, Happiness can be found in the darkest of times. If one only remembers to turn on the light." he said. I nodded and left Dumbledore's office, for the last time.


I watched as he slept, his face in slight pain. I sighed.

"You wonderful boy, why didn't you tell me," I muttered, reaching forward to stroke his cheek.

"Always trying to save me," I whispered, my eyes filled with tears yet again.

I placed a letter next to his wand.

"I'll be waiting for you, my love," I whispered, kissing his forehead.


Draco POV

I woke up. I was alive. I sighed. My body was sore. I shuddered remembering the pain Potter put me through. I looked around, I was alone. It was still nighttime. I assumed it was the same day. There was a note on my wand. I picked it up.

Dear Draco,

Please come to my room when you wake up. We need to talk. Your keyring is in your jacket.



I swallowed. Oh no.

I got changed and walked to her room.


Sienna POV

I was sitting at my desk when I heard my door panel being used. I knew it was Draco. He walked in.

"Hi," I said, from where I was standing.

He took a look at me and pressed his back to my door. Tears filled his eyes as he slid to the ground. I ran over, got on the ground, forced my way into his arms and hugged him.

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