Chapter Thirty-Nine - Promises are meant to be broken.

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Sienna POV

I woke up at around 7 in the morning on September 1st.

I was super excited. Today was the day that I got to see Draco. These past few days I'd been hurting so bad. I think he's just busy or something. After all, his father was inside Azkaban and he was probably running his house alone. I couldn't wait to see him, to hug him, to feel him hold me, to kiss him.

Hell, I couldn't wait to just bury my head into his chest and take in his spearmint smell. His hoodies were great but they never did justice to how protected and safe I felt when I was actually in Draco's arms.

I pulled my robe on and made my way over to the balcony for the last time this summer. Snuffles and Uncle Moony were already there. Snuffles with his cigarette, Uncle Moony half asleep on Snuffles shoulder like usual. I smiled as they both said good morning and filled my cup with Hot chocolate. I smiled and sat down, hearing the newlyweds argue about the effects of cigarettes while they both took turns taking drags.

"It's bad for you Pads," Uncle Moony said, taking it out of Snuffle's hands and lifting it to his lips.

"Yeah well, I think I'd die from shock on how handsome you are before I die from Cigs," Snuffles said. I chuckled as their bickering continued. I got up and walked to the railing. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"All right there cub?" Snuffles asked. I nodded.

"I can't wait to see Draco."


Draco POV

I woke up feeling like crap.

My eyes were red and sore from crying, my whole body hurt from duelling all summer. It was the day that I went back to Hogwarts, only this time, it would be as a Death Eater. I was never more ashamed of myself until now.

I sat up and sighed. Today was going to be the most heart-wrenching day I've had so far. The snitch on my twin book lit up. I scrambled up, opened it and muttered the password. Words were forming on the page, my tears were forming in my eyes.


I get to see you today, I know you're hella busy or maybe you haven't had time to open the book, but if you do read this,

I want you to know that I can't wait to see you and I love you.

I'll be the one in your quidditch jumper on the platform :)

All my love and more,



I wiped my tears before they fell on the page. God, today was going to be so hard. I was going to have to break her. Break her so much that she'll never look back at me. A loser. A murderer. A death eater.

She meant everything. I had to save her, even if it meant that she'd always resent me and never love me again.

I had to do this.

I had no other choice.


Sienna POV

After breakfast, I wrote a note to Draco.

I went for a shower and got ready. I dried and pulled my hair in a curly bun, leaving a few stray pieces to frame my face, swiped on some lipgloss and finished packing my trunk.

I smiled as I slipped on his warm Quidditch hoodie. It was green and silver, it had MALFOY #7 On the back in black letters.

I basked in its warmth for a bit. I was so excited. So ready for my 6th year.

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